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Always a good day with a star wars upload cheers don

Jacob Du

Been waiting for a clone wars upload. Season 2 and 3 is where things start to pick up! Also, the reason why yoda can sense some things happening but not palpatine is because palpatine is consciously using his power to hide his presence in the force.

Raniel Hiraldo

Don the emperor can hide his presence in the force that's why none of the jedi realize he is the sith lord

Julian Fernandez

Not sure if you remember don but Mustafar is the planet anakin and obi-wan fought against each other in revenge of the sith

Casper Andersson

Love it! And yea the Seppies do win a lot behind the scenes as you said.

Casper Andersson

That lava planet is also where Obi cut Ani in half in Movie 3.

Jon Black

Yes Don, that's what they do when they jump from high places, they use the force... are you even watching the show wtf

Caiden Davis

Fun fact, on the side of one of the gunships that pick them up in the beginning of the first episode, the picture on the side is of plo koon and 2 clones and under it says plos bros, since he saved the clones in season 1

Kenneth Connor

The jedi cannot sense the emperor or his main plot because the dark side is so strong right now that it clouds their view.