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Jon Black

Calmly walking down an exploding staircase is the most british thing i've ever seen


i think these movies are the reason why I gravitated towards one piece live action more rather than avatar


Remember that the Dutchman is an inmortal ship. Not even the whole Armada could win against that. Thats why Beckett was like that. He knew he fucuked up and there was no chance of winning that fight no matter what, thats why the whole army retreated as well


They don't subtitle certain things in movies as your meant to have the perspective of the main character for example if Barbosa and Elizabeth doesn't know Chinese then they will not translate into English for you. This isn't always the case but in most movies it is.

loekie ouwehand

a piece of 8 is what I think they called the Spanish dollar because it could be broken up into 8 pieces. There are 9 pirate lords, so 9 pieces of 8... but because they were broke they just threw in random stuff.. Oh and definitely still wanted the immortality and stab the heart, but because he's a good guy somewhere deep inside he had Will stab it so he wouldn't be able to come back