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Aldo Gonzales

At least Harcourt recovered immensely. I can’t wait to see her again in Peacemaker season 2.

Andhy thomas

FUCK YESSS just in time for before my sub ran our thanks don

Rakoon Shampoo

Just a heads up, it might be worth watching the 1989 Batman movie before continuing on with the live action DC Movies.

Rakoon Shampoo

Hard to say specifics without spoilers so I’ll try to keep it vague but parts of that movie will play a relatively major role in one of the upcoming films from this current universe. I wouldn’t call it required viewing but it might be worth checking out regardless.


shame we'll never see superman vs black adam

Jay Herbo

Lmao why I keep hearing ppl say “no diddy”

Andhy thomas

Don i need you to watch (brightburn ) its a movie about (what if superman was evil when he was younger ) well it was based of superman anyway


BCE = Befor Christian Era

Tatum McCormick

First and foremost, the mom’s speech about the Justice Society never showing up before was so on point and fantastic!! Now, my one and only issue is that there was little attention to Black Adam’s actual flaw and technically the Mother’s flaw too. They both don’t consider others in their decisions. Arguably the mother makes sense because Amon was in danger and so her throwing caution to what everyone else wanted tracks. My issue is that she thought Ishmael would actually follow-through with his deal. He already proved to be a liar, throws people off cliffs, shot her brother, and so killing her kid after getting the crown seemed highly likely. Therefore, giving him the crown (to me) seemed very opposite to her intelligence and her ability to remain clear-headed in stressful situations (she gave her son the crown despite the dangers to begin with). It just seemed like a contrary action of her character. This leads to my actual small critique of the film. No one emphasizes that the flaw l Adam exhibits is not about killing, but actually about the lack of care about people who could get caught up in the fights. As long as he gets to defeat his enemies he doesn’t care who (on the innocent side) gets hurt too. This is crucial because this would have made for such a better argument for why the justice society wanted him in custody.

Arell Crocker

Superman’s has a weakness to magic as well,it doesn’t make him weak but hurts him

Crazy Moore

The helmet is like the ring of a green lantern when it's host dies it gose to find a new one

Pancho Martinez

Superman is weak to magic, i think in the injustice story, one of the first heroes he kills is Shazam because his powers are technically magic. So Black Adam in the DCEU being the "evil" counter to Shazam, who knows how it would go.

Matthew MacKinnon

BCE is "before common era", it was changed from BC, which is "before christ" to BCE, in order to be more politically correct essentially

Jon Black

TBH i felt like he shouldn't have been able to kill Shazam so easily


You should watch The Shazam vs Black Adam DC animated movie , 🔥🔥🔥, you gonna be sooo surprised

Game Dragon

To be fair, Superman has the power to kill A LOT of near invincible characters. He just always holds himself back and chooses not to. I can completely believe that if Superman really wanted to kill Shazam, without restriction, he totally could.

Slyy TV

Watch King Arthur legend of the sword !!!


Considering they killed off a character like Dr Manhattan to favor Superman I think he is the impersonation of plot armor in DC and would come out in favor anyway

Miguel Fernandes (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-05 19:51:17 imagine don with a full ahh beard
2024-04-02 23:32:42 imagine don with a full ahh beard

imagine don with a full ahh beard

Keylan Harris

Superman is also weak against MAGIC.


im not a huge DC fan so maybe i missed a film but when did the DC world become so Hi Tec?


I hadn’t watched this before. I had only heard of Adam Smasher from Cyberpunk tbf