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These are bangers and all but where is [REDACTED] Don? 🙂 you know what movie was second on the poll Don 🙂 It was [REDACTED] Don 🙂 Did you forget Don? 🙂 I tend to forget things too Don 🙂 So I understand Don 🙂 I’m just here to remind you Don 🙂 [REDACTED] was #2 Don 🙂

loekie ouwehand

Elizabeth said her name was Turner because she was afraid that if she said her real name, they would know she was the governor's daughter and keep her for ransom. They need William's blood because his father was one of the people taking a coin when they found the treasure after the mutiny, When Jack and Will are in the cave the first time Barbossa is speaking to his men and says 'Who among us has paid the blood sacrifice owed to the heathen gods?' and they all yell 'Us' and then he asks 'and whose blood must yet be paid?' 'hers' because they think she's a Turner and that they need her blood to lift the curse. Also when I don't know if you noticed, it is because the navy doesn't do as Jack told them and Barbossa doesn't do as Jack expected that things go bad for the navy boys. If the group of officers that were with Jack at the entrance of the cave their would have been more men to protect the Dauntless and if Barbossa had send his men out in the boats the men on the Dauntless would have seen them coming and would have been able to try and stall them before they got to the Dauntless. Also, When Jack mentions waiting for the 'opportune' moment to lift the curse Will realises Jack has a plan (since that is what he said to will when they first were in the cave) and plays along... Anyway, so sorry for my ramble...