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Arell Crocker



Finally! This is the greatest Star Wars project(IMO), of all time.


Literally just checked if anything posted cuz I’m ready for Jurassic Park 3 but this is by far the best upload one could ask for.

RJ Torres-Encinias

This takes place right before A New Hope (the movie)

SNF002 Gaming

Please watch mandalorian it’s such a great show

Brendon Perez

I would actually love to see you Play Jedi: Fallen Order, it’s a great game and saw gerrera makes an appearance in the game

Aldo Gonzales

There’s one show that’s tied to the events of The Mandalorian. I’m not gonna say what it’s called, but it takes place between seasons 2 and 3. You don’t have to react to the tie-in show since it had mixed reviews, but I personally enjoyed it and it did help me hype up for the third season. Now about this movie… You probably don’t remember, but some of the actors in this movie have also portrayed a character in the MCU. Mads Mikkelsen (Galen Erso) was Kaecillius in Doctor Strange 2016, Forest Whitaker (Saw Gerrera) was Z’uri in Black Panther 2018, and Ben Mendelsohn (Orson Krennic) was Talos in Captain Marvel 2019. Jimmy Smitts previously portrayed Bail Organa in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. Bail is Leia’s adoptive father. Out of all the deaths, K-2SO was the most emotional. Even as he was on his last knees, he still held on long enough to help his friends achieve their goal. My favorite characters overall were Chirrut Îmwe and Bodhi Rook. The Ip Man himself Donnie Yen is always a win. I also teared up as Chirrut in his dying words told his friend Baze Malbus to find him in the Force. Chirrut isn't a Jedi, but it's implied that he's Force-sensitive. He was able to sense Jyn's kyber crystal. What's special about kyber crystals is that they're connected to the Force. They're also what give power to the lightsabers. Donnie has a lot of martial arts experience. His role as Chirrut really stood out for me because he got the best fight choreo. Even Alex Hefner compared him to Daredevil who you know a bit about as well. Also, Chirrut gets the funniest moment in the entire movie when they bagged him. Bodhi deserves credit for his own contributions to the team. His protocols were highly essential, especially with infiltrating Scarif. By the way, Wembley-native actor Riz Ahmed was also Carlton Drake in the first Venom film. He’s also a rapper and member of the Swet Shop Boys. They haven’t released much music together as a group, but if you put Riz on the mic… watch out! Diego Luna reprised his role as Cassian Andor for the Spanish dub. He also has his own series titled Andor which takes place five years before the events of Rogue One. And yeah, he dubbed for his show in Spanish as well. The first season has 12 episodes, and a second season is on the way. The recent strikes delayed production, but Diego recently said that filming is almost complete. There were also plans to make up to five seasons, but after some extensive reviewing they decided to conclude the show with season two.

RJ Torres-Encinias

Black stormtroopers are called death troopers


It’d cost like a trillion billions or something of that nature to build a Death Star. Unfathomable amounts of money would be needed but even more so the steel industry would be BOOMIN and it would take likely thousands of planets mining and making materials to make the Death Star. It’s truly the most unrealistic part of Star Wars that they built it in only 20 years, more unrealistic than space wizard acrobatics and faster than light travel lol


You should really watch the IP Man movies. Blind guy is the main character and some of the best martial arts in movies.


thats not the case at all lol, if we could travel at the speed of light im fully confident we would be well past just a death star being possible lol we would probably make entire artifical planets eventually when we can really do science in space lol like real science like experimenting


I know this is unrelated to Star Wars but are you going to finish the Boys show I would like to see your reactions to the rest of the series.


cant wait until the obiwan series :)


1. This movie took place right before A new Hope 2. Yes , he chills in a tank because its like a "meditation tank". He uses it because in the suit he is in constant pain. 3. I find darth Vader the best villain ever made in the film industrie but alot of people argue its the joker.


you should definitely watch andor at some point. imo the best live-action star wars show

Daniel Holland

Bro you should watch obi-wan.

Tatum McCormick

tbh, Cassian is no more guiltier than everyone else involved in her dad’s death. He’s at fault for lying yes! But he did not kill him nor did he order for the alliance to kill him. Remember he asked K2 to contact the alliance and stop them from blowing up the site. I would say the military section of the alliance was the actual cause of death. Sorry, just didn’t think Cassian was THE one to blame 🤷

Adam Krasnodębski

Is the upload not working for anyone else?


Saw Gerrera is a guerilla solider and leader of a small independent militia in both the clone wars, Rebels and rogue one he was taught by Anakin and the 501st clone legion how to fight droids in an insurrection against the confederacy of independent systems occupation and unjustly elected dictator.

Beast sama

My guy needs to go watch Ip Man

Garrett Serbin

Yeah Cassian didn't kill her dad. The command ordering the bombing strike killed her dad. Cassian couldn't do anything about it cuz they were out of communication & even if he told them his orders then how the hell do the 4 of them take her father from that place b4 the bombers get there?? Plz use some critical thinking mate cuz you WAY OFF