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Jacky.- cathy?

Cathy.- mmm yes, what's wrong?

Jacky.- I don't know, is everything okay? First you send me a photo, then you tell me you're tired, then you seem like you want to be with me, but then you stop. I don't understand.

Cathy.- Silly, of course I want to, but you have to be rested for tomorrow's big surprise.

Jacky.- surprise? Big surprise? what are you taking about?

Cathy.- shhh sleep, tomorrow you will know.

Jacky.- sleep, now how am I going to be able to sleep?

five minutes later

Jacky.- zzzzz

Cathy.- Poor Jacky, you had an intense week, sweet dreams.

author.-Not all pages can be super sexy, but I really enjoy making these dialogue pages too. Don't worry, the next page we will know what the big surprise is.




I agree. Sweet anticipation!


I first came across your work on Tumblr a number of years ago. I fell in love with these girls. I recently found your work again, and the spark in my heart, the glow of my aura, the warmth and generosity, the pure submission to acceptance is absolutely remarkable. My heart cries tears of joy!!!