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I realised I hadn't done anything SFW for ages, so I hope you enjoy this ASMR relaxing meditation which has footage from a place you might recognise if you've sent me a letter and had this particular postcard in return - it's the Tutuko River in Fiordland, not far from me. 😌


🧔🏻💜Matthew xx

p.s. get ready for 20 minutes of pure greedy girl fun on Friday 😈

p.p.s. For those who are interested in quirky life-philosophies, self-help ideas, or just creative approaches...

There’s something I found myself saying in this meditation audio about the way rivers don’t fight boulders or obstructions, they embrace them.

This has become quite an important idea to me, because it’s a kind of philosophy that I find actually has real world uses. A few months ago, I was talking to romance author Aline Sant’ Ana about it with reference to overcoming plot holes in stories, and more recently, I saw an IG reel with the British actor Michael Caine talking about his own version of it and it’s applicability to everyday life.

Coincidentally, I used this approach while I was making the last audio - Road Trip Love Story. One one hand, I couldn’t make an hour long audio of us just driving, but at the same time, it was like: are we gonna hook up before we’ve even left the street? That’s just not realistic, haha. 

So for a second I felt a bit stuck.

Then I remembered to embrace the obstacle, instead of ignoring it. 

If you've heard that audio, you might remember that it gets a little meta at one point - I start kind of joking about how this is going too fast, but f*ck it, we write our own story, right? Anyway, I ended up really liking that little bit because there was something kind of funny and authentic about it.

So I hope it’s a useful idea for you if you haven’t come across it before, whether in life, work or creativity.

Have an amazing week!

M xx



Hey- Come join me in Fiordland, New Zealand for a relaxing sleepy audio, meditating on the Tutoko River. Matt



I had a hard day today. Might be my brain readjusting to new meds, therapy and crying being draining, trying to forgive myself for napping and doing nothing all day. Then this little fuzz butt comes and decides she wants to snuggle on my boobs. As if to tell me being her mama is good enough. 🥲❤️ https://ibb.co/tmqcthx


Farmer and writer, Wendell Berry, on the persistence of rivers: "To a river, as to any natural force, an obstruction is merely an opportunity. For the river's nature is to flow; it is not just spatial in dimension, but temporal as well. All things must yield to the impulse of the water in time, if not today then tomorrow or in a thousand years. If its way is obstructed then it goes around the obstruction or under it or over it and, flowing past it, wears it away. Men may dam it and say that they have made a lake, but it will still be a river. It will keep its nature and bide its time, like a caged wild animal alert for the slightest opening. In time it will have its way; the dam like the ancient cliffs will be carried away piecemeal in the currents." Source: The Unforeseen Wilderness