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Tonight, Bad Sex Therapist might have arranged for you to have your first experience as a camgirl. He might also have gotten a little carried away with the very dirty talk and fantasy of you pleasuring multiple men, so much so that he was a little flustered at the end. 😅

This audio has been reviewed by a female SWer and professional cammer to check for authenticity and ensure nobody in the industry would take offence at the fantasy. So, please enjoy!

All in good (bad) fun!

Matthew’s shadow


[Performing on webcam] [Reclaiming terms ’slut’ / 'whore’] [Gang-bang dirty-talk] [18+]




Ahhh a miracle, the comments loaded for me today ! Turns out updating your phone is important. I’m supposed to be packing but I’m lying here with my breathing on manual wishing upon a star that I don’t drop my phone on my face. This one was so fun Matthew, the pre-period friskies have had me feeling like I want to crawl out of my SKIN the past few days and I think the beast is tamed (for now) so thanks, doc. 😇 And happy Valentine’s to everyone ! And also for any other US babes (or anyone who wants something else to celebrate) happy League of Women Voters Day !! 😍😘💛


Pre. Period. Friskies. 👏👏👏 My cats up that tree for sure. Happy League of (Valentines) Women Voters Day to you too!!! ❤️❤️❤️ Learning ✔️