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Come in. Your case was forwarded to me by doctor Garcia. Having studied your case notes for the last couple of weeks the only conclusion we can come to is that you suffer from hyper-sexuality or mild nymphomania. I should tell you now that I've never treated someone like you and will probably never again, because I’ve also personally been diagnosed with your condition...

[Psychiatrist and patient] [Diagnoses you with hypersexuality] leads to [Therapeutic name calling] [Good ‘Nympho’] [Nasty talk] [Desk sex] [Creampie]




Newbie subscriber here…so I’ve had to do some catch-up bingeing, and I’ve got to say this one made me giggle, in a good way, especially “off the books” 😂. Clearly this ‘doctor’ skipped Professional Boundaries 101


Still catching my breath… took me right back to when I heard this on The Hub. 😏❤️ So DELICIOUSLY BAD it’s SO GUUD… SO many of my fave things… 😘 #signmeup ➡️ Love it when I feel things the same, listening again… I know myself so well. 😏 This was my comment on The Hub first time round: 😍👂💥🔥💦 FUCK ME 💦 ... everything I was anticipating and more. Heart’s beating so frickin fast... The way you added “in the best possible way” just shows how much you care about the women you’re catering to. So adorbs. Dirty level 💯 ... the number of times I said “Yes, PLEASE...” 😏 My womb clench when you went into German, and then when you spanked it. G** those phrases... your natural play by play 🔥... those MOANS... one of my TOP faves. ❤🔥💦