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Hey!!  Hope you’re having a good week so far!  Thanks again for answering my questions and letting me get to know you a bit better.  I loved the questions so much I decided to take the time to answer all of them in audio! So this is a loooong one (50 mins).... But don’t worry because :

⏱Time-stamps are below if you want to just hear my answers to your own questions or just listen to a few you’re interested in…


If you wanna skip my answers to the AMA questions altogether and go straight to the hotel bar where I’m trying to pick you up… that starts at 35:05 😉

And right at the bottom of this post are a few links to stuff I mention along the way if you're interested...

I hope it's at least mildly amusing! 😁

💙Love and spanks,


Eve’s questions 00:18 What is an uncommon kink that you have done? What is an uncommon kink that you would like to try? Nessa’s questions 01:45 Are you a cat or dog person? What is your favorite kink and sex position? What is your favorite thing to eat? What is your ideal date? What is your favorite thing to wear at your place or in public? Serena’s questions 04:49 Did you get your bed fixed? Do you know when people are talking about erotic things and you just have a 6th sense for what they want? Did you spank a turkey ham and think, hell yeah that sounds like an ass smack? Kira’s questions 05:45 If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Your favourite uncommon sexual kink? Do you think alien exist? Lily’s questions 06:30 What is a fantasy that you’ve always had but never done? What made you get into making erotic audios? What is your favorite item of clothing on women? And finally, if you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?? Lisa’s questions 08:40 Do you already work in a creative field, and this is very natural progression, or is this a pure creative outlet? What would be your last meal of choice? Unlimited options permitted. Would you ever voice act for other platforms (Dipsea, Ferley etc), or would you want to retain all of that creative process? What/where was your most inappropriate hard on? Elaxin’s question 10:30 I want to know everything about how you learned how a pussy works. How did you learn how to use your fingers and your mouth to make a girl cum? Clara’s questions 11:28 What's your number one turn on? What's your number one non-sexual turn on? What's a weird food combination that you like? What's your love language(s)? What achievement(s) are you most proud of? How are you so fucking sexy??? Diamond Heart’s questions 13:41 What is your personal favourite audio that you have recorded? You have 24 hours left to live, where are you going/what are you doing? If you could only fuck to one song for the rest of your days, what would it be? Favourite item of clothing on a woman? What is something that can turn you on in an instant? (If anything) Kalo’s questions 15:45 If you had to travel and live in one place in the world where? and why?What is your lease favorite color? What made you want to do audios in general? What is your dream career? Erica’s questions 16:54 Does anyone know you do these audios? Friends/family/significant other? How old are you? Do you have any pets? What do you like to do in your free time (aside from making audios)? Snowden’s questions 18:37 How are you today? Did you have a good day? If your life was made into a movie, what would it be called? How would you describe yourself in one word? Nikki’s questions 20:03 What's something you did/experienced/liked at a young age that was a precursor to one of your current kinks? If you didn't have your voice, whose voice would you want to have? Who's your favorite Disney villain? Clara’s questions 21: 52 What kink are you not into? If you had to listen to only one song for the rest of your life what would it be? If you had one wish which could  get granted, what would you wish for? Jessica’s questions 23:15 Have you ever been caught having sex? If you could [have sex] anywhere in the world, where would it be? Have you ever had a customer service job? What’s the first thing that sexually attracts you to someone? How tall are you? Charlene’s questions 25:03 What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you when you’ve been intimate? What’s your favorite thing to eat when you go out to a restaurant? Favorite song to get down to? 😋 Least favorite position? Do you have any pets? And if so, what kind? Emily’s questions 25:40 What is the first thing that usually attracts you to a woman? What’s your favorite movie? Do you ever get stage fright when you’re about to upload a new audio? Genade’s questions 27:09 Describe your first time. Describe your best time. IRL, what letters are behind your name (BA, MS, PhD, etc.)? Besides German, what other things are you learning? Tell us about your stories, when and why you started creating erotica. What inspires you? What have been your most notable interactions with fans/followers? What is your most desired sexual fantasy? Tell us about some quintessential New Zealand activities, food, vocabulary, traditions. What do you do to unwind? Where do you go? Who do you listen to? What do you drink? Where are you happiest and with whom?

My favourite shoes - haha 

The size of New Zealand relative to Europe

Marlon Williams, the Māori Elvis - 'What's Chasing You'

Maple Glider - ‘Good Thing’ 

Life in New Zealand - fish and chips on the beach

Vampire Weekend - ‘This Life’ 

Jany Green - ‘Little’




Delightful. 💗


I came for the fantasy (literally, gracías). But I think I’m staying for the culinary insight! Cilantro on peanut butter just changed my LIFE!