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This is a narrative audiobook rather than a role-play, but don't think that makes it any less sexy. In fact it was....

(Banned on PornHub)

I hope you enjoy my brother and I taking care of you in all sorts of ways!




Comments prior to post revision! Jordanna Nelson Mmm.... I can't wait to get off of work and listen to this 🤤🤤 Matthew Tower And I can’t wait for my work to get you off as you listen 😊😘 Clara Guess I'll go to bed early tonight 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 Matthew Tower Yes!!! A perfect night for it...🛏🎧🥰 Kari Beauchamp I have been looking forward to this SO MUCH!! Too bad I have to work all day... And am already easily distracted. 🤣🥰 Matthew Tower Me too, damn work. Don't let me distract you though! I'll still be here later.... 😘 its_me_erica 1.5 hrs of you talking into my ear, yes please😏 Matthew Tower Plus an ear-smooch for the compliment 😘👂 Nata Целую обнимаю... Сладких снов мне😘 I feel that it will be very tasty)quickly run to bed) 💋😍 Matthew Tower Yes, sweet dreams!!! 💙😴💙🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️I'll chase you ;) ВыХуХоЛь Ненавижу люблю.. 4.00 I am not sleeping .. my child's psyche is in a panic Matthew Tower Calm, calm.... have you tried counting sheep? Nata Fuck u...i'm toxic.. Овцы? 1.2.3.....56.....67.....69... Matthew Tower 🤺🤺🤣


Anyway clear that I love the whole story... but I especially like the scene in the garden and the scene when you are with her while your brother is sleeping... 🥺❤️