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I've been struggling with life for the past few months which has made me draw a lot less too, I really apologize for that. However I'm feeling a lot better now and steadily getting my motivation and passion back. I will be getting back to doing regular stuff for Patreon! I will be changing the sub plans so that everyone can vote, finally start working on a Discord server and maybe change some other things, the prices will most likely also change. I'm also very grateful to all the patrons who have stuck here with me and kept supporting me! I will try my best to work hard now and improve my art!


MaxDamage rulz

It's ok razz please take your time


You don't have to apologize. Life hits everyone so take your time.


Hey man glad to hear you're doing better good to have you back


Don't apologize, it happens! We'll always be here for you :)


Im happy to hear doing alright. Just take you're time, and do what you have to do. We here for you