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as mentioned in the previous post, I'm gonna be taking it easier since fall semester is gonna start real soon this month for me! I'm not gonna lie, last month's winner saved my ass from the unexpected tuition fees I had to pay outta pocket for (i guess my financial aid ran out). But just because I'm taking it easy doesn't mean I want to stop posting here, I'm just gonna treat it as a part time thing during university like before! just don't expect big sets like the ones I've been dishing out the past few months!
There won't be a poll for august, it's just gonna be a wildcard for the most part! Though I DO got a Lois Lane mini set in the works :D other than that, I might just make some other pinups based on the losers of previous polls, we'll see!

Thank you so much for continuing to stick around, It seriously amazes me how there are still LOTS of you here ever since I FIRST opened the patreon, the support has been genuine and amazing, and I'm very happy that y'all really love the content I be pushing out. Patreon has allowed me to really think and experiment with my art style overtime, it's been a pretty great experience!

all that said, I'm gonna continue drawing now, I'lll keep y'all posted!


Traveler of Roads

Hope you have an awesome semester! Also thank you for all the absolutly awesome art and sleep assistance!