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After thinking about it and a lot of talking I decided to make a few important changes in how patrons are benefitted from the support.

The core issue was that you had to pay at least 10 USD a month to have full access to content before non-patrons. That's changing now.


This tier exists as a sort of monthly tip-jar. No changes other than the new price.


Important changes done to this one. Namely the addition of voting power and full early access. Keep in mind I changed the length of early access across the top 3 tiers to be 1-month long.

Big Fans will have full voting power for character polls, both on discord and in the patreon poll itself.


I decided to add a more influential benefit to Massive Fans: The ability to nominate characters for the polls.

What this means is that a channel will be created in the official discord server where Massive Fans can gather, nominate and/or discuss characters for whatever the next poll is, every month. Ideally there will always be 4 choices per poll, and those 4 choices will be picked from your nominations. Sometimes there will be a theme, other times there won't be any.

Please check the channel for rules on what can't be nominated though, when the channel is created.

And if you don't use discord... Sorry, but it's infinitely easier for me to manage this through a discord channel than Patreon's website. At the moment I don't know another way.


Nothing is changing for this tier. Truth be told considering I've been putting more effort into the pictures than I used to when this tier was first created, and what my commission prices are, I have no doubt at all about the value of this tier. The condition I try to remind people of is that the pictures are same-day works, but I don't have full control over the quality. As a result sometimes they just end up nearly on par with flat-color commissions.

That said I have no plans to increase the price. It wouldn't be fair for you guys. As for everyone who wanted to be in this tier... Sorry, but I can only take so many 30 usd same-day commissions without impacting my routine.


There was a big disconnect between why people actually subscribed to creators and what I thought was the appeal of Patreon. I figured these changes focus less on enforcing a paywall on access to content and more on giving exclusive level of influence and interaction with patrons instead. The price changes are being done to be more in tune with the reality of artist Patreons in this niche.

Some things that I didn't include in the image are the headstart to patrons when commission slots open and the character poll now influencing what I draw during the month rather than just a single shaded picture of the winner. That is, outside of commissions and Colossal Fan pictures most or all the "freebies" I'll draw will be focused on who won the character poll.


Patreon restricts changes to existing tiers if there are people subscribed to them.

I have created duplicates of the existing tiers (Supporter, Big Fan, Massive Fan) in order to change the perks and prices.

So please move to the duplicate of your preferred tier as soon as you can. Ideally I'd really like to remove the original versions of the tiers, so the sooner everyone moves the better. Besides all 3 tiers have a slightly lower price anyway.

I just want to end this by thanking you all again. This patreon is the only reason I'm still getting by, and even helping supporting my family in their times of need as well.

Thank you for your support!


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