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Hello everyone,

Just wanted to share with you all the latest build of Workouts and Beach.  Many things have been fixed and added since the last iteration.  

A few notes,

- There is now an activity where you can massage the girlfriend to restore her stamina, and an upgrade at the quick college to make this more effective.  This activity will have expanded descriptions in a future update.

- Treasure Hunt and Photo/Lunar synthesis upgrades haven't been added yet and will be coming in the next iteration of the beta.

- The previously planned play volleyball vs other people feature will be implemented in a future update that has generation of unique NPCs.

As always thanks for your support and patience - hope you enjoy the content and everything to come!



How do you import this twine file to study the code?

Bob Bobson

Same as any other? Just import or drag'n'drop the HTML file into Twine.


You need the proper version of Sugarcube or whatever dependency it is and the right version of Twine. This cna be found by reading the comments in the JS of the webpage.