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Hey everyone,

Hopefully you had a chance to glance at the document attached here:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-and-5-0-14478155

I know it's quite long, and I don't expect many people to have fully read it.  

This is the poll I mentioned in that status.  Feel free to leave feedback, and if you have any questions about the proposal, ask away!  You can also change your vote in Patreon polls, in case you vote one way, then decide you changed your mind later.



this seems really awesome!


I really would appreciate a beauty update test build at some point so we can give some more informed feedback. :)


My current plan is to make a 'shell' build that shows the Primary Attribute system in work (it will have lots of placeholder texts and whatnot), then one for the skills, then the secondary attributes, etc.