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FMG Life Sim Jobs Update Alpha 1 Notes:

New Jobs:

 - Researcher

 - Club Bouncer

 - Yoga Instructor

 - Test Subject

 - Muscle Streamer

 - Game Streamer

 - Construction Foreman

 - Data Entry (replaces old office job)

- Players now start without access to any jobs, and must interview for them at the Job Center.

 - Construction returns, but now has a much higher endurance qualification and stamina cost

 - The Construction Foreman job is unlocked by having a high enough construction skill and intelligence stat while working Construction.

- New apartment upgrade: Desktop Computer

 - Purchasable at Ulric's

 - Unlocks the Game and Muscle streamer jobs

 - Unlocks Typing Practice activity

 - Unlocks Computer Research activity

- New general activity: Posing

- New skills:

 - Computer Usage: Denotes how good a character is at using computers. Developed from Data Entry and Typing Practice

 - Posing: Denotes how good a character is at posing their body. Developed from Posing activity. Having a low posing skill now gives a small penalty to final score in the bodybuilding contest, while having a high posing skill gives a bonus.

 - (Construction skill returns, but is now listed under the new skills category)

- New weekly 'job': Beach Photoshoot

 - Every sunday a photographer will appear at the beach. He can take pictures of the girlfriend, which will count as the posing activity for experience gains. She earns money based on her muscle level and posing skill.

- New vending machine: StamBuyer

 - At the shopping center, characters can now directly sell their stamina to the StamBuyer

General Changes:

 - Most jobs now have a set time/days that they're open

 - Starting cash reduced to 100

These two changes are intended to slow down how quickly the initial apartment upgrades are acquired, since once a few of them are purchased, many activities become obsolete. The idea is also to discourage grinding the jobs over and over at the start and instead have them be something that's done daily with other opportunities for money (This will require more tweaking and development over time of course)

 - Changed StamAid so it grants a maximum of a flat 8 stamina. Raised price of StamAid to 65 (to prevent drinking StamAids and infinitely selling stamina to the Stamina Buying machine)

Art Updates:

- New Oriander art for Girlfriend muscle level 8 description. Replaces the placeholder of her crushing an apple with her bicep - removed reference to that in the description.

- New Oriander art added to the muscle level 6 scene, along with an extra line of to the scene giving it context.

To do:

- Add basic descriptions for all the new jobs/activities/location. Due to how many new things are being introduced, the descriptions won't be too detailed, but they can be expanded in a future description update.

- Continue tweaking numbers on how much money jobs give and when they're available

- Alter mechanics of streaming jobs (currently they just pay linearly based on relevant stats, but ideally they'd be doable for a custom number of hours with quasi-randomized pay based on stats, time of day, and other factors)

- Change yoga instructor so it's more like the character teaches a selected number of classes in a day instead of the shift system


This update has been sent out to everyone Patreon has marked as having processed a $10+ pledge in the past month. If you fall under this category and did not receive a DM with the update, please send me a DM here on Patreon.

Up next will be the next Alpha!


Mason Crawford

Yeah it'll probably need a second description overhaul before adding anything extra. Really good job ideas. It's nice to see content that isn't just mechanics. Adding jobs opens up a lot of other opportunities, pun intended.


That's a very interesting update. :)