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For Frio!

Commission request was essentially for Flin and Kelly to share a suspiciously intimate moment as Flin feels her pregnant belly, and Stella wonders...

And Kelly, the compassionate mother that she is, doesn't want her child growing up in the world alone...so I'm sure she'll approach the father about making a sibling soon enough.

Edit: Added Eric to the shot. I'll leave the originals up just cause.


Fun fact: I intend to establish that Kelly's natural hair color is actually brown, and she dyes it pink. That means she shares the same hair and eye color as Flin. So a baby with brown hair and turquoise eyes...well, I suppose the child just took after its mother, Eric.


I'm making this commission available to the Mediumcore tier as well just cause.



Sieg Warheidt

God I hope there’s gonna be playable endings are at least let this be an ending xD


I'm not planning on depicting sex with one who's already pregnant, but I do intend for pregnancy to be written into the endings in some fashion (with either a pregnant belly and/or a baby shown at the end). I haven't decided what I'm doing with Samantha yet, but either Flin got her pregnant already in that hotel room, or she re-enters the story and gets pregnant in a different way.