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When I first made this shot during Kelly's update, I realized I could move the hands and the breasts in sync in a satisfying manner and likely make a decent animation out of it. I made a mental note of that and moved on, leaving it as a static image for the time being because the Kelly update was dragging.

Recently, I decided it'd be fun to revisit it!
But...in the image, I used Gimp to draw in most the curves where the fingers sink into the breasts. In order to animate, I would need to basically create image planes for each of those curves and animate them within the 3D space, lining them up perfectly with the natural outline rendering done in Blender.

Realizing that would be way too much work, I decided to render this whole sequence of animations without outlines. The first version has the outlines so that you can see for yourself how it looked (it's also a slower loop). I just don't like how the fingers look without those curves around them, so I figured removing the outlines would improve the general feel of it. You can decide for yourself, of course.

As you can see, I made Amy and Julie versions too, but I got a little lazy this time and kept the body frame largely the same for all 3. In my defense, I think some shots/angles accentuate these differences more than others, and I think they all pretty much just work in this case (the arms and most the torso being covered up is part of it). Julie got a few minor alterations, but I didn't bother changing the room coloration to match the redder room she's usually in.

In general, there were some new obstacles I had to overcome here, but I'm pretty satisfied with the results! Of course, I'd love to actually figure out animated curves, so I don't think any of these will make it into LLRR unless I manage that at some point.

Also...sorry if the high amount of animations leads to them lagging/stuttering? Not sure if this is a huge issue for most of you or not, but if it is, I'll try to start breaking larger amounts of animations into multiple posts.



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