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Thank you so much Bailey for allowing me to react to this show. Honestly, thank you so much you have made my days so much better because of it ♥


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+ Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/d42r0h0rdngy92l7fk9p8/109-M4R6.mp4?rlkey=km6l928vl1glgaedy9ukg399z&dl=0

+ Direct Download Link: https://we.tl/t-ctGlPKhHe7



Camille Watrigant

Awesome reactions, like you I discovered Arcane later, and I was blow away. I can't wait for season 2 next winter ! If you want, there is episodes on youtube showing the process of creating the show, how the idea came of, how they invented the story and the characters, the link with League of Legends, the failures and the devotion it needed to finally being a success etc...

Bailey Gennings

Silco wasn’t going to give her up. I think when he said that line about daughters being their undoing it was because he was about to give up everything he worked so hard for; for Jinx. He really does care for her and think he’s what’s best for her because they were both betrayed and he would love her for who she is not for who Vi wants her to be. I think this would have a completely different outcome if Jinx thought Vi would love her as Jinx not powder but the whole time Vi has been saying things like she has to try to change her back and “remember who you are” showing Jinx that she loves powder not jinx but that’s who she is now and there’s no going back. Silco got mad and tried shooting Vi because he could see that Vi reminding Jinx of “who she is” (saying all their names) was just hurting her and reminding her of all that trauma. When Vi thinks of them she may think of good times together but when Jinx thinks of them she is reminded of the mistakes she made, the people she killed, the deaths that still haunt her. Jinx was literally crumbling being reminded of her past and Silco wanted to stop her pain by making Vi stop talking. Silco is a complex villain. He and Vander had the same vision it’s the way he went about getting there that makes him the villain. He sees himself in Jinx and that’s why he took her in in the first place. He could have just killed her, but he wanted to be the person he didn’t have. Also the reason that last weapon looked like a shark is because Silco loves sea monsters (the weapon also has a scarred eye) Another small detail to show that he loved her like a daughter was all her drawings all over his desk if she was just some weapon to him he wouldn’t have let her do things like that or get away with acting out the way she does like ep 4 when she shot at her own side Also bc I’ve watched a lot of videos breaking down vi and Caitlyn’s relationship is like to point out that when there was that quick flash of Caitlyn laying on the bed before jinx opened the lid- Vi closed her eyes and looked away wanting to see her that way instead of seeing her head on a platter also that image Caitlyn looks different that the original scene. Her eyes are bigger lips fuller theory being that Vi sees her differently wink wink I can send a side by side if you want