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I'm not sure I trust Viktor... But that cliffhanger!!!! OMG! I need the next episode rn ♥


+ OneDrive: https://1drv.ms/v/s!AqliXQKXGooygVzlLWH1k0Q8CGjR?e=1WQc62

+ Google Photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/FQzYxwEkrpEfir1v5

+ Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ml68RwNxjOdUSgrasRPrQMjlt93wTgp-/view?usp=sharing

+ Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xqglkjm26rsp3fobfbe0n/102-QN7T.mp4?rlkey=lrfq9cx0epd4k0fq5l2hm66p6&dl=0

+ Direct Download Link: https://we.tl/t-tTWi4MoAH2



Bailey Gennings

The theme song was created for the show! I have heard that all the songs in the show were but I haven’t fact checked. It would make a lot of sense though


The theme song was created for the show but it was on the radio all the time in my country back when this show originally aired. It was funny how Hailee's character in Hawkeye had an on going joke about Imagine Dragons since the two shows aired close together.