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Dinner is served I guess... I can't fucking believe they didn't even hesitated for a moment before jumping in to eat THEIR friend!!!!!

Also, do we believe what adult Lottie told Nat?!?!


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Still can't believe they actually did that. Also Shauna was TOTALLY in love with Jackie


Jackie's meat was well preserved and those girls are hungry. Plus, she must have smell delicious slowly roasting there. Apparently, human meat tastes like pork, that's why we eat pozole with pork today in Mexico, a stew that used to be made with human meat back in prehispanic days. I really love how the Radiohead song starts just as Shauna falls to her knees. It's pretty interesting to rewatch with the lyrics on screen because the songs have always been part of the show but they take so much more prominence while reading the lyrics. I think Lottie has no judgment over the others acting crazy because she has been treated like crazy all her life. She also appropriates the demeanor of the doctors who must have treated her since she was a child. I don't think she's always right (especially with Shauna) but I think she has the best intentions. Meanwhile, Taissa loves Shauna so much as a friend but she wants to keep her closer to what she considers real and sane. You are right that the last moment of the three of them looking at Jackie’s body was so interesting.

alejandro valles

can't wait for you too finish the season !!!

alejandro valles

also just like me on my first watched, i think you misunderstood kevyn (the cop) telling shauna he has text records between her and adam. what he means is the police did had the number of texts, but not the actual messages themselves. that's why he didn't did anything about her lying to him, because he didn't knew