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Am I turning into a #Creddi shipper? lol Idk but they are hella adorable! haha


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They have written them so much better in this revival that it's hard to not love them. They have a ton of chemistry and work really well together. I love this new dynamic.

Josh Z

There is a lot of nuanced emotional psychology behind their relationship as children. For Carly. It's not physical attraction but at the same time she has an intimacy and closeness with him, it's something that only he gets from her. She is not old enough to understand it which is why him saving her life is the beginning of her physical attraction to him because the emotional part of their relationship becomes something much deeper. Two words, self sacrifice, from that point forward Carly knows that Freddie will put her first, always. That's a powerful bonding event and if you really pay attention from that point Carly always has a reaction to Freddie and anything that he's doing in her body language. She is too young to understand it but it is always there, constantly in the background. The revival is just moving this from the background to the forefront and because Carly is an adult she can begin to process what she couldn't understand as a child concerning her feelings for Freddie.


they really are cute the writing is amazing

Jay B

I love the way they are writing Carly and Freddie ! I think us having to wait this long is making it so much better

alejandro valles

i am a HUGE og icarly seddie shipper but this revival has made me really ship creddie, they're so cute!


I was always a seddie shipper too, but the revival made me ship creddie so much! Even to the point of rewatching the original and shipping them there too. (I do still ship seddie, but I acknowledge that it wasn’t really healthy, with Sam constantly bullying freddie, then when they actually got together turning it onto Gibby…) There’s just something adorable about their journey. And I absolutely love that we’re watching them learn to really communicate and have these conversations. Because obviously they’re struggling to do so at first, but then they’re realising that’s what they should be doing. Instead of going about things in a complicated way or trying to surprise each other, they’re learning that they actually just need to talk.

Josh Z

I've never shipped Seddie, mostly because it always felt so forced to me. Romantics aside, even as kids, nothing about Carly's and Freddie’s relationship feels forced except what the people around them (Sam, in-universe fans, viewers) force onto it. When they are left alone they can just “be still” together, naturally conversate, and they allow each other into their personal space in a way that they don't allow anyone else. The end of I speed date really illustrates this well, but people tend to miss it because they are so focused on Sam watching them.


Miranda and Nathan's chemistry is amazing! I've never noticed it as a kid, but rewatching the original show, it's always been great and it's only gotten better in the revival. I love the Creddie storyline, but I wish other characters got something better to do, especially Spencer, because I used to absolutely adore him and now he's just there :(


I can't help but feel bad for all the women (including Sam) that Freddie dated and married because they were all second choices to him. Carly was always in the back of his mind and this episode proved it. The seddie fans are seething online 😂

Josh Z

People would have to be blind not to know that he was always in love with Carly, I’m watching the original show now and there’s Creddie vibes every few episodes. I think we just view Carly’s relationship with Freddie as kids the wrong way. Always looking for her romantic reciprocation and because of that we miss how personal her relationship with Freddie is as kids. How much they fit without ever realizing that they fit. It’s been eye opening honesty.


I saw it immediatly because I was like Freddie back in the days with that unrequited crush but their friendship is what made Carly fall for him. When I saw the istart a fan war episode and heard about seddie I was really shocked because that came out of nowhere for me. I never Sam and Freddie as anything romantic because how Sam always treated Freddie and started to hate her in that Fred episode because she literally assaulted him with a tennis racket. I will never understand the seddie stans mistaking abuse with 'passion'...


Honestly! Like I'm so shocked so many ship them in the OG, and now with the revival they are hating on Carly, and while I don't ship them, I find creddie cute and if I were to ship any couple between the two, it would be creddie, like I get the "enemies to lovers" that seddie is, but I can't get behind Freddie dating his bully, maybe I am biased cause I was bullied in school but even when they were a couple. They seemed toxic, didn't she mess up his application for something? I don't remember much, but they just seemed too toxic to ever work out and last. I don't know lol.


Yeah, she messed with his entrance application to get accepted into that N.E.R.D. camp because he didn't know what time it was. He said that it was his dream but Carly said to accept it because Sam also messed up things for her. Like no, that sends a very bad message to kids who watched the show! Sam would get so much so hate in todays television.