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I'm not even worried about Cheryl and Archie... Brachie and Choni will prevail! It's their destiny ♥


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this ep wowww


Juli not liking Jughead and Veronica?? Pain


i used to like jeronica but now i only want jabitha and hope tabitha comes back soon


choni were the highlight of this episode to me and i hate seeing the cheryl/archie stuff but soon they will be reunited fully with betty and toni


im loving this season so much! the charchie scenes are very uncomfortable to watch though :( also toni is so cool this season lmao i love her so much

alejandro valles

i laughed so hard during the cheryl and archie scene, like what even was that

alejandro valles

oh and Juli i'm really sorry about the rude people in the YouTube comments, please try to ignore them! ♡


Thank you. I get what they are saying. But I thought ppl knew me and how much I love and respect my community. I didn’t say it in a malicious way. But I understand how other ppl might take it. I feel sad I made ppl feel invalidated by my comment.

alejandro valles

@JuliDG i totally get it. i also get what they're saying, i just think that they could've expressed it to you in a nicer way, but i'm glad that you made a statement and apologized for the comment. and please don't beat yourself up about it, we all make mistakes but what matters is that you understand where they're coming from and have taken the step to explain yourself. we love you ♡


Thank you! I really didn’t meant to hurt anyone and feel bad for doing so. But hopefully my apology and the fact that I will be more careful about the impact of my words will make ppl understand that there was no bad intentions on my part. Just me projecting my experience as a bi woman.