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Ok... So we are down to 2 episodes left to the season and Beatrice and Ava haven't even kiss once guys... wth!?


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+ Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m3cgos65oxpvgeb/206%20%20O9I6.mp4?dl=0

Direct Download Link: https://we.tl/t-pGvmlh6F89




I honestly prefer it this way - I think they’ve done a really incredible job actually building up their relationship which is rare for wlw ships. We rarely get a good, thoughtful development, it’s usually a bit rushed and not cared about as much. IMO they’ve done a good job straddling the main story and Beatrice and Ava’s relationship and friendship


Friendship yes… but relationship? Idk maybe in the finale two episodes. But they haven’t had a real talk since episode 2 I think? Before they found out Mary died 😭


Yeah I understand your point. I see it differently since they’ve been having good moments in the past few episodes as well - only having 8 episodes to get the story across makes pacing hard but I personally like how they’ve done it. Excited to get your reaction to the final 2 episodes though!