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I felt so bad when they lost :( 


+ OneDrive: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqscaG9uyG6IhBEuNh7A1O_u8mKz?e=Y9QJDV

+ Google Photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/tZGHGW3oe3BiBVg89

+ Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13zgB1ioZuSG7u89aA5tu1-AGcmZIGERi/view?usp=sharing

+ Mega: https://mega.nz/file/1hAnFaRB#8A6ECXXFDNJe9ZC861XKpPskVyfaxqgaw5gARnAPDOs 

+ Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l1kqqixm53q0hdo/110%2089YH.mp4?dl=0




im waiting for the episode where my husbands are ft , if anyone remembers yk what im talking about lol


omg yeah lol they had great guest starts like a special lady if you know who i’m talking about

Zeph 802

for the question on your set up, I really like it the way it is (It's like one side whacky and one side funkos, with the exception of the ones in the middle) but if you want to change it I'd suggest having like one or two shelves where you put up random stuff (Like any thing you buy that relates to your favourite show at that moment maybe) and the other shelves can be funkos.