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you have me shipping rachel and leah lol


I’m so excited for you to watch the rest of the season!


Fatin sending out a nude of her father though was a serious offense. Yes, her parents suck. Yes, cheating sucks but what Fatin did was really wrong. You cannot send sexually explicit images of people without their consent (I don't care how shit of a person they are). In fact, MANY states are passing more and more laws around this. It is illegal. So, that just makes me very uncomfortable. Again, yes, he is a sucky husband and father but that does not justify sending nonconsensual sexually explicit photos of him. I just don't want to minimize that. That's is my biggest problem with it. However, a second consideration is the fact that Fatin really hurt her mom by doing this. Which goes against what she said to her dad about never hurting people she loves. She could have told her mother privately but instead she (unintentionally) publicly humiliated her. Not only has her husband cheated on her (his fault) -- now the whole world knows (Fatin's fault). She is publicly humiliated. Her friends, family, mosque, work/co-workers all know and have seen a nude of her husband. Her work has suffered as well-she has lost clients. Overall, I do think she made a mistake there. But otherwise, I do like Fatin's character. She had a lot of great moments with the girls this episode.

Zeph 802

I ADORE FATIN!! Favourite character 100%


I'm not saying her Dad wasn't wrong for cheating. But it's his body and his choice who sees it, so sending his nudes out to all his contacts was too far. She's a kid though, and she makes mistakes. But you don't send people's nudes out without their consent. And it effected her Mum's whole life more than it effected her Dad's. Plus, that was how she found out by the looks of it. You don't do that. She should've confronted her Dad about it, and told him that he had to tell her Mum, then if he refused, then she should've just told her Mum. Not sent out his nudes. I just can't get behind something like that, it's not okay at all.