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OH HELL YES! Finally!!!!!!!!!!


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Jonathan Bodford

Yessss I can’t wait for more Lucifer the next couple eps are some of my favorite

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Stewardess Interruptus- I love this episode!! Stewardess Interruptus is another one of my favorite episodes in this season. There are a few scenes I don't care all that much for, but as a whole, it is definitely phenomenal! First... I really don't care much for the entire storyline showing us all the women and men Lucifer has slept with within the last eight weeks once Chloe and Dan work together to figure out who killed Jana. Nor do I care all that much about Lucifer having a crazy stalker, and boy... is she crazy. However, I do love and appreciate that these scenes help Lucifer to come to an understanding... that all of his wild, sexy one nighters left LUX the next day or morning satisfied, but without any kind of emotional connection. That they've always left feeling that being with Lucifer was meaningless. Which is really heartbreaking because you can absolutely see the sadness in Lucifer's eyes as he's observing Chloe's interrogations through the two way mirror along with Dan upon him having to listen to these men and women saying he means nothing to them. I think that Lucifer definitely has never felt anything for these people himself, as his one night stands come and go. However, it's clear that Lucifer never understood before now that they felt nothing for him. I sense he's always believed he left quite an impact on their lives after they've had sex and to find out just how wrong he's been all this time has really crushed him. It's sad. However, we also learn from these people that Lucifer has never made or bought them dinner before their time spent together having sex. That they've never shared anything with him like what Lucifer shares with Chloe. That they've never shared any kind of emotional intimacies or special moments, which shows us just how much Chloe truly means to him, and I believe it shows Chloe just how much Lucifer truly does care about her, upon Charlotte bringing this to her attention. And for a brief moment upon hearing this from his one night stands, you can see that not only is Chloe surprised by this, but that she has also begun to realize Lucifer is different with her too. I really love this. Now... while I don't care about this part of the episode, I can't help but laugh at Dan's faces he makes upon listening to Lucifer's explanations about the things he does with the items they all talk about while having sex with him. The honey, car battery, etc... I love how Dan just looks at him like he's some crazy wild man. I love seeing more and more interactions between them too. I don't care about these entire scenes overall, although I do understand why they were included and I appreciate what these moments add to Lucifer's story, as he struggles to understand what he must do to try to win Chloe back so they can continue to share their moment and move onward in a possible relationship. Plus... I will admit that there are some funny lines within these scenes as well. Also... I don't really like the whole crazy stalker scene either, just like I mentioned above. It's more uncomfortable to watch than anything else because the girl is just crazy, and I don't feel like it adds anything to what I love about this episode. Plus... both Chloe and even Lucifer are weirded out by her too. Now... I actually really enjoy the mystery behind Jana's death, and the death of another of Lucifer's flings, both of whom were flight attendants, and I love the mystery of the missing package that is seen stolen back in the end by whoever it is that has hired Jana's and Raj's killer to get it back for him. And we see this mystery man kill the person who had really stolen his package after the guy asks him what was inside the vials we see inside the package. A poison or possible contagion of some kind that was already killing him from spilling some of the liquid on himself. Very interesting. I love that this case ends with a new ongoing mystery. I also absolutely love the very beginning, as this episode picks up right where the end of the previous episode left off, with Lucifer and Chloe sharing a very intimate moment as they're about to kiss, until Jana unfortunately comes charging in ready to have sex with Lucifer like she's randomly done a number of times. Ugh... I just wanted Lucifer and Chloe to share in a kiss so badly. And you can see the devastation in Lucifer's eyes when Chloe steps into his elevator once she expresses she's happy Jana came when she had because Jana had spared her from what she tells Lucifer would be a big mistake if their moment turned into anything more intimate. I feel so badly for Lucifer because his past and history with women has finally come back to bite him in the worst way possible. And even more so, when he turns Jana down after Chloe's gone too, because he's absolutely defeated and broken hearted upon coming to think that Chloe feels he isn't worth anything more than being just her friend and partner. Lucifer has come to realize that he only wants to be with Chloe, and no one else any longer. And yet Chloe's chosen to not give him a chance because of his past of sleeping around with so many women. Lucifer is definitely not the same man he was before, like he has been around all those other people he's slept with. He's grown so much since Chloe's come into his life, and even without Chloe, you can see that Lucifer really does want more than just all of his meaningless flings he's had with all these other women and men. Next... I also really love the scene between Lucifer and Amenadiel when Lucifer asks his brother if he thinks he is boyfriend material. You can see the hope in Lucifer's eyes as he's waiting for his brother to offer him the answer he wants to hear. At first... Amenadiel isn't comfortable with answering because I sense that he's worried about hurting his brother in spite of him having come to Lucifer's penthouse to try to manipulate him for their mother. But Amenadiel knows he has to tell him what he wants to hear like their mother wants him to do so they can continue to manipulate him to get what they want. Amenadiel winds up giving Lucifer... first a sincere compliment as he tells him that Lucifer is underestimating himself for thinking so little of himself and when it comes to Chloe, and then offers him some really good advice when he tells Lucifer that he needs to really ask himself if he feels like he would be a good boyfriend for Chloe. It is really sad that Amenadiel is only manipulating Lucifer along with their mother, but I do feel that Amenadiel is also sincere in his words to his brother. Or as sincere as he can be without having to lie in any way. He's come to care about Lucifer, far more than he ever has before, which is why he doesn't want to hurt him. They're finally brothers like they always should have been. And by Lucifer asking Amenadiel for his approval and advice, it really shows just how much he's come to care about his brother too. It's also fantastic that Amenadiel tells Lucifer that he has underestimated his compacity for good, which is absolutely true. Because Lucifer really is a good man, and he is a far better man than he's ever truly believed about himself. The ending when he tells Chloe on the beach that she deserves someone worthy of her who isn't him and that he's not worth her love... proves as such. As does his confrontation with the killer when Lucifer explains to the killer how he's much worse than even him because of who he is and how callous he's been with how he's treated women. I love it! Now... throughout the episode, Lucifer is doing everything he can to try to make himself worthy of Chloe. He messes up, and even humiliates Chloe at times, but you can tell that he's really trying to show her he isn't the man who wants to sleep with all these women any longer. Chloe has now proven herself to him, and now Lucifer is fighting to prove himself to her too, and it's beautiful. :) Unfortunately, by him doing so and upon finally taking down Jana's and Raj's killer after Chloe sadly kicks him out of their surveillance van upon saying she will never choose to be with him like he's been yearning for since they met, and then talking about Jana deserving better than the killer and himself with the killer he's about to punish, Lucifer comes to an understanding and the belief that he isn't worthy of Chloe like he hoped he could be. He had asked his brother for advice about being boyfriend material, hoping it would lead him to discovering he's worthy, only for his brother's advice about looking at the man in the mirror and asking himself this very question, to backfire on him when Lucifer comes to understand that he isn't. And once again, you can see the pain in his eyes, especially as he quickly walks away from her at the hanger as she and Dan are arresting the killer. It's all so sad, but I absolutely love this storyline for Lucifer and Chloe throughout this episode. And then... we come to my favorite absolutely moment in the end of this episode, when Chloe comes to find Lucifer on the beach staring out at the ocean. Lucifer then goes on to assure her that he won't ever try to have a moment with her again upon believing she wants him to stop trying to get with her, but asks if she's still willing to accept him as her partner and nothing more. Because more than anything, Lucifer just wants Chloe in his life. No matter what way she is willing to be. And when Lucifer goes on to express to Chloe he's had a epiphany that has revealed he's unworthy of her, Lucifer goes on to say the most beautiful and sincere words to her that show Chloe just how much he truly cares for her, doing so with just the right amount of charm and humor that is just so Lucifer. And of course Chloe sees the sincerity and pain in his eyes when he tells her that she deserves to be with someone as good as her, who isn't him because he sadly feels he's not worthy of her. And you can see that Chloe believes the sincerity in his words, and that she feels for him upon realizing she's helped make him feel so dejected when she never meant to hurt him so deeply. But more so... in spite of Chloe's fear of the pain could come to her knowing the kind of man Lucifer is, or used to be if she were to give into her feelings for him, Chloe chooses to take the risk because she's so grateful to Lucifer for seeing her as someone who is so special. Especially to someone like him. Someone who has lived such a crazy, promiscuous lifestyle. Chloe certainly never thought anyone could admire and care about her for all these beautiful reasons Lucifer has revealed to her. For reasons that mean more to her than any others. He doesn't love her for her beauty and body, or for anything superficial like many men would. And then... after he finishes, Chloe leans in and kisses him, and the look in Lucifer's eyes when he momentarily pulls back to look at her upon Chloe doing so, is of shock and confusion, as well as fear, and you can tell that her kissing him means the world to him, and she continues to kiss him. I also love how Lucifer whispers, "Detective?" as if seeking the answer as to whether or not she really wants this, or if it's nothing more than a trick. So, so beautiful!! Their kisses are short and sweet, but I am very happy Lucifer and Chloe have finally shared these beautiful kisses and this moment... that I've been waiting for between them for so long! Pretty much ever since season one's episode... Manly Whatnots. If not even since back in the Pilot episode. :) Overall... this is a fantastic episode and I love it almost as much as I love the next two!! Not quite, but it's so, so close! Once again... I love the contrast between the two major storylines happening throughout this episode. We see how Maze comes to appreciate herself that much more upon coming to accept for herself that she's awesome, while Lucifer... who has always seen himself to be so, is sadly knocked down upon discovering that none of his former conquests have ever cared about him. As amazing as this contrast is, it's also very sad, and yet very good because it allows for Lucifer to learn at last from his lifetime of mistakes in seeking companionship with woman after woman, all so that he can come finally come to understand what it means to truly fall in love. And with Chloe!! Thank you very much!! I can't wait for your next few reactions!!! Until then, my friend... Thank you! Sincerely, Heidi