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Rubi Moon

I'll just copy and paste what I said on Discord: I think just that Julian's only other friend is really Alex since Peyton is gone and it's not like Nathan or Haley or any of the others really know him. And since Julian felt overwhelmed with emotions, and he couldn't exactly turn to Brooke at the time without potentially making Brooke upset, I think it's reasonable and makes sense that he turns to Alex. It was personal though and he really should have talked to Brooke and asked her if it was okay, but then again Alex and Brooke aren't exactly besties and I think either way there wouldn't have been a good outcome. I think Brooke was caught up with her emotions and also the planting of something going on between Alex and Julian. I also don't think it was wrong for Alex to try and possibly help Brooke especially if she does have knowledge and experience of someone who went through something similar. In fact overall I don't think any of the characters really did anything wrong in that scenario. I think it was just bad timing all around. Brooke was high on emotions and of course she'd be upset about Julian saying something that was so personal and makes her so vulnerable in her eyes. I think a lot of it is just really bad circumstances that don't really have a right answer persay. Now afterwards with Julian, she shouldn’t have said what she said, but at the same time she was in a very panicky, very unstable mindset already because of Millie and she was desperate. She felt like she was losing her friends and she didn’t want to lose Julian too. And then when she did, it was just too much for her. While Nathan and Haley are close to Brooke, Julian doesn’t have that same relationship and even if they did, they were both dealing with their own problems anyways. It was already established that Nathan and Julian aren’t exactly friends. It doesn’t mean they won’t be, but they’re not really close enough for him to feel comfortable to turn to. And even then he wasn’t really meaning to tell Alex, it just came out. If Peyton was there, I’m sure he would have turned to her, but she’s not so Alex really is the only one close enough that he’d feel even remotely comfortable to turn to. And again, it’s not like he meant to anyways it was just in the moment.

Zeph 802

Sophia Bush and her acting always getting me so god damn emotional. But you whispering "It's a TV Show, It's a TV Show" to yourself at the end was hilarious 😂 because that is always me reminding myself not to get too invested.

Leora Nechama

I didn't really like Alex at this point but I felt bad for here cuz I know that feeling. Also just want to say I wish we saw more of Jimmy's mom - the actress is so good in the few scenes she gets. If it wasn't for Dan I feel like she could have been good friends with Karen since Jimmy and Lucas grew up together and they would both have understood each other's grief.


I completely agree with the Brulian & Alex situation. I understand that Julian sees Alex as a friend and needed someone to talk to, but it was not his place to tell her something so personal, especially since it was about Brooke. He knows that Brooke and Alex do not get along, so it was just a bad move. Then Alex showing up with pamphlets for Brooke about other options was so wrong. I’m glad you mentioned OTH tackling these heavy topics because it’s one of a few shows that actually delves deep into these topics & portrays them realistically. Like Millie, she just got caught up into this very different world where there’s so much pressure to look a certain way & drugs are always around. Mouth continues to annoy me. He tells Millie that she needs real help then tells her that if she leaves she shouldn’t come back. He just doesn’t know how to handle anything like this, but she won’t be getting the help she needs by him pushing her out. The ending🥺


yes I completely agree with you. Julian has no one in Tree Hill. Besides Brooke, he is completely isolated. He has no one to unload to and talk out his emotions. I mean what he learned is really hard on a person and he shouldn't have to keep it bottled up. He is not close enough to anyone else in Tree Hill to turn to with that besides Alex. I think it was understandable.


I feel like the whole Brooke/Julian/Alex situation makes all three of them unhappy atm. On the one hand you have Alex who is desperately searching for somebody to care about her and to see more in her than her surface. And since Julian does that, she immediately reads something entirely different into it, bc she is not used to having real friends that don't wanna sleep with her or anything. So ofc when Julian rejects her for Brooke, she starts meddling with the one vulnerability she knows about. Was that super wrong? Yes, but totally understandable too, she had no idea how deeply this would hurt both Julian and Brooke. Now on the other side we have Julian, who doesn't wanna burden Brooke with him grappling with the fact that he can't have kids now. He just sees how much this hurts Brooke and doesn't wanna add to that. So when Alex won't stop asking about it, he talks to her about it. Now should he have done that? No, especially not with Alex. But he was in a vulnerable place too and made a stupid mistake. And also there's Brooke, who is already insecure about her relationship and deeply hurt by the news of her infertility. Now that Julian told Alex the truth and not her that was the straw that broke the camel's back. She feels like she can't trust him anymore and needs some time to figure this all out. So overall they're all in a really bad place bc of the circumstances and made some mistakes that are now hurting them all.


I love how Nathan is the one who put together Haley's tour plan. I think that this shows sooo much growth since they were 16. Their relationship could not handle that back then and now they are so stable that Nathan is pushing her to it. I love that they are in this place.


Please post soon. This half of the season, I think is really good. I won't spoil anything but just saying :)


I think at this point he thought she rejected all the help he offered and he felt like there was nothing left he could do. It's hard to get through to an addict and even if Skills got the job in LA, Mouth wouldn't have to move there the next day. Plus, Millie has a support system in Tree Hill .. other people that could help her too. So yes, while maybe sticking it out longer would be a good thing to do, Millie is clearly not listening to him. She feels like he doesn't understand the pressure she feels and that is something he can't change. Now he thinks they're broken up and is at his wits end.


Sophia is amazing, especially this season. I can feel how vulnerable and insecure she feels about this entire situation.


so my opinion on Mouth was never as harsh as Juli's lmao but I understand that pov .. imho Mouth just didn't know how to handle Millie's addiction, he was just overwhelmed .. and from his pov she changed overnight for reasons he doesn't understand .. so when he says that he wants "the old millie" back, he meant that he loves her and wishes she would find a way through .. but yes, he could've tried more than just saying "you need help" - maybe an intervention or a self-help group she can talk to .. something like that ..


That ending with Alex was so hard. She took sooo many hits through this episode. First with Millie demeaning her. Then Brooke telling her that Hollywood actually didn't want her - making her feel unwanted again (btw not that Alex didn't somewhat deserve that after what she did with Brooke), and then Julian yelling at her (again not that Alex didn't deserve that b/c she broke Julian's trust and confidence and friendship.) I feel soo sad for Alex. I really feel like she did not go to Brooke with bad intentions. She said her sister has been though infertility too. Alex is just her own worst enemy sometimes.


Do we know if Juli is gonna binge a few episodes today of oth? Or just the one?


Would have been great to get more than the one reaction today. I love the rest of the season and one per week loses momentum. Hoping to get more this week.

Jared Scoggin

I love that Victoria said, "We'll adopt." That one tiny statement says so much about her character growth since we first met her.


i feel bad for alex but again its not like Julian and Brooke started attacking her CHARACTER FOR NO REASON. They didn't go up to her and just started demeaning her and judging her. she literally took ever chance brooke and julian gave to her and took advantage, its something she has to work on. She has to work on herself and julian cant just make her a better person, she needs help and people would be there for her if she took things more seriously and focused on getting better for herself. Cant wait to see more of the alex i actually like


funny how you give props for alex giving millie help but not mouth. Mouth saying dont come back is because everyone is trying to help millie and she keeps digging herself in a grave, look what she did right after. Mouth has been chasing her EVERYWHERE and trying to HELP her and again he is wrong in your eyes. my lord


"take my heart i dont need it" LMFAO I FELT THAT


I feel like I half understand Brooke. Last year I had my second ovary removed and finally faced the moment when I knew I would never had children of my own. I have been developing cysts and tumours since I was 12 so I knew this time would come eventually but I tried to move on with my life without paying much attention to it. Suddendly, everyone kept telling me about how I could adopt, etc., and I just didn't want to listen to that. I didn't even want children but I didn't want to have that choice taken away. It's a big deal and you should be allowed a period of mourning as you say. It's also something incredibly tied to the way you view yourself as a woman and what you can offer to a relationship. It's just an incredibly vulnerable time and you don't get over it in a week or two, it takes at least a couple of months to assimilate. I can't imagine how it would feel if to go through what I wen if, like Brooke, I actually wanted to have children and was already picturing a life with someone and our child. Then to hear that someone share his desire for what I can't offer anymore to the person who makes me feel insecure in my relationship, that had to have hurt. I love Julian but I totally understand why Brooke needed space.

Zeph 802

The "We'll" as if she's gonna be there every step of the way!! Love that.


"You told her the truth and you lied to me!" ugh, I felt that deep into my soul. Brooke is just breaking my heart these last couple of episodes. Sophia portrayed Brooke so incredible and whether she's happy, sad, angry or whatever, Sophia as Brooke can make us feel all those emotions. Just one of many things that makes her such an incredible actress. Now let's take a moment to appreciate Victoria and how far she has come. The Victoria we saw in s5 would've never have been able to have that conversation with Brooke, which btw was so beautifully done. It bothers me how they have ruined Rachel's character, she had so much potential. But knowing what went down behind the scenes it makes more sense why it turned out how it did and I mostly feel bad for Danneel that she had to put up with that. Because depite how questionable her character acts she did a wonderful job portraying Rachel.


Totally unrelated comment, but where do Brooke’s stairs go? The bathroom, two bedrooms, kitchen, living room, and dining room are all downstairs....


I do agree that he could’ve handled it differently but at the same time I don’t believe in enabling so I kind of fall of both sides I guess. I do think though that it’s kind of like the situation where he can’t fix her and she needs to want to do it herself and I know that’s hard but like he shouldn’t have to stay if it’s toxic to him if that makes sense

Tim Eversole

Mouth never said or acted like you said he does. You just want to force your agenda that he’s wrong when he’s right in everything that he’s doing. You’re sexist.

Nikki S

I’m here late but I hope in the future you wouldn’t post things like this please because juli has said it hurts her feelings when she works soo hard and people are never happy or always wanting more or something different. If she could do more, she would. She does way more than any other content creator I know so just a friendly reminder😔❤️

Nikki S

The only two people I’m happy with at this point is Brooke and Victoria honestly. And mouth, because I’m glad he broke up with Millie. She needs to realize she’s being a terrible person, even through addiction. She went above and beyond to be terrible to everyone even before the drugs. Millie and alex causing trouble made me strongly dislike this season :(