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Yesss I've been waiting for this one !




I'm currently working but I cannot wait to watch this. It's probably the first thing I'm going to do when I finish in about 5 hours.


Watching it right now!! Yes the end is crazy. I’ll comment in more detail after I’m done watching especially dissecting the Brooke/Peyton stuff.


OK I didn't want to give this plot twist away, but I thought you should know why Rachel is always switching schools, and has been to so many... You see she's a vampire who died tragically at the age of 17, and since then she has had to move to many schools as a way to blend in with the rest of the world. She can pretend to be 18 sometimes because she passes for it. But will soon have to find another high school to go to soon.


OK... I have conficting feelings on this Brooke and Peyton situation. I remember when this plotline came out back when the show was airing, and I was so angry. I hated they wrote the Brooke and Nathan storyline into the show 4 seasons in. To me it felt cheap, and a way for the creator who had a weird creepy Peyton obsession at the time [poor Hilarie] to absolve her of what happened in the Lucas/Brooke/Peyton triangle. Like he wanted to take the heat off Peyton from the Brooke and Lucas fanbase and be like "see Brooke is bad too!" It just made me really upset. But on the other hand since it was written in, I find myself seeing things from Peyton's POV. Though I never hated her the way a lot of fandom did with the s3 storyline. Since circumstances were different, and she wasn't actively sneaking around with her best friends boyfriend. She got shot and kissed him when she thought she might die, and realized she still loved him. She might not have told Brooke about the kiss, but she tried to be honest with her in regards to her feelngs, and she wasn't going to make any moves unless given the OK by Brooke. She really tried to do things differently the second time around. I always thought fandom hating her for that was a bit unfair. And while I hate they wrote the Brooke and Nathan stuff in as a way to even the playing field.. Hilarie's acting in the confrontation scene really sold me a bit. At least on her feelings. Because she was right. She was honest with Brooke the second time around, and didn't have an ongoing affair the second time around. Brooke never told her about Nathan, and it doesn't matter if they were broken up or not. The fact it was the same night, and they were bound to get back together at some point... Probably the next day, really doesn't make it better. Peyton made a mistake but was honest the second time around, and felt guilty both times. Brooke made a mistake, and Peyton lost her best friend twice. Brooke was rightfully angry, but at the same time was never honest about her mistake. So I get Peyton's anger tbh. Brooke slapped Peyton when she was honest with her. So she kinda had the punch coming. I still think the Brooke and Nathan thing came out of nowhere though. Which is probably why Brooke was never honest with Peyton. Because it wasn't added in until mid s4. Lol. OK... This is me being childish and petty now... It happened last episode but i so so hated the Brooke and Nathan sprinkler scene. It felt forced, and out of nowhere... Like they had them interact to set up the sex tape storyline. And listen... Sprinklers and rain are Nathan and Haley's thing! OK? Lol.


Ahah I knew you had to watch next episode tomorrow, I’m so excited now for it!! Anyways, that was a hell acting from Hilarie Burton. I can actually feel her pain, my goodness. I think no one will be surprised to hear me say I just lost respect to Brooke when she started making fun about her mom’s death and I just hate so much that Brooke just keep making excuses and keeps blaming Peyton. Brooke cut Peyton out of her life when Peyton just told her the truth, was honest with her, she have feelings for Lucas. How could Brooke cut her off her life when Brooke never was honest about her betrayal in the first place. Brooke hasn’t had the right to react like that when she was actually way worse earlier. It didn’t mean anything for her, which for me makes it even worse. She betrayed her BFF just so she could have fun. And the fact she keep blaming Peyton about Lucas is making it even worse it seems like she’s not taking this situation seriously. Making joke about her mom’s death definitely crossed the line.. Thanksfully her character gets better later. But still never was a big fan of her character. I think this is always a shock for everyone because Brooke’s basically everyone’s favorite. Never understand why exactly tho lol


Rachel will never be my favourite, but if anything, she's a good friend to Brooke. Their friendship this season has been amazing and though they might do some very questionable things they've always had each other's back. That last scene with them and that hug actually made me tear up a little.


Hahahaha, I can't believe this was the episode you chose to wait before binging. Poor Peyton, crazy Derek is so creepy. Honestly, I don't like them adding this Brooke and Nathan history at this point of the show but I guess it's canon now. I just want to see them on good terms again. And Mouth was so gross with the Shelly thing but I blame this all on Mark Schwann's unability to understand how some male behaviors are really creepy, like Brooke being drunk every time she sleeps around is creepy to me. And I also blame Schwann's creepiness for Peyton getting hurt every season, he loves the character and I think he is into torture porn. And yeah! Joy looks like the actress from Orphan Black! And she rocks the bangs (unlike poor Melissa Benoist, but I blame that on the Supergirl production for not styling it well).

Ruby Alice

I loved this episode for Peyton because Hilaries acting was great, her emotion really came through her acting this ep and I was sooo moved by it! I agree with all of your opinions on the Brooke and Peyton situation. I’m one of those people who probs favours Peyton, she’s just such a gem! But I love Brooke too and this ep was definately a wake up call for both of them I think. Looking forward to the next ep! If you’re watching it today will it be posted today or still sticking to the schedule for OTH? Xx


Hashtag Leave Peyton Sawyer Alone. I swear this girl invented bad luck.


I love how this storyline finally forced Brooke and Peyton together. I liked that Peyton got to bring up the dead mom comments and Brooke was confronted with that. It really bothered Brooke that Peyton said she was dead to her. I love how Brooke smiled and said "she cares" when Peyton wrote whore on the dress. That is hilarious and so true. If Brooke was dead to Peyton, then Peyton wouldn't have taken the time. It was hope for their friendship in a weird way.


Just finished. Great reaction as always, and I literally knew we were gonna get another reaction from you this week. My feelings on this sextape nonsense still haven’t changed. It’s cheap, random, and honestly laughable to this very day at how this was added into the back half of the season. HOWEVER, Brooke needed to be held accountable for the things she said about Peyton’s moms. I’m so happy it brought up, and it makes me emotional every single time. My undying love for Brooke doesn’t take away how much I care for Peyton so it killed me to see her like that. I’m done with this rivalry now. Time to move on.


The Haley and Nathan storyline was funny with Haley being hormonal and constantly changing her mind. And I do think that it was okay for Haley to be annoyed. I don't think that Nathan needed to give her a list but knowing about Brooke would have been considerate instead of being blindsided. And she is jealous, which I think is normal. I don't think that is unhealthy especially b/c she worked through it. I know that a lot of people don't like the Nathan and Brooke plotline but I personally don't mind, b/c I think that it makes sense to bring Brooke and Peyton together finally. Loved the reaction, so excited for the next episode!


We knew you couldn't resist watching the next episode)) 😀


I think the reason Brooke is everyone's favorite is that she is, arguably, one of the most flawed characters on the show (kind of like Nathan). We watch her struggle with all these emotions at a young age, high school is such a hard time for everyone because every thought and feeling is heightened by youth, and she never felt comfortable to be a better version of herself because no one ever wanted to see it. Brooke's popularity amongst viewers of the show is that she has the strongest character growth and development, I mean she was never even meant to be a main character and now she is essentially the face of OTH and is often listed amongst entertainment mediums like magazines and entertainment news tv shows as not only the best character on the show, but also one the best female characters on any tv show and that is actually amazing. Anyone who has watch all nine seasons can really see this strong woman that she has become. Brooke was never perfect and that appeals to a lot of people because she made many mistakes, often let her emotions control her, struggled to let things go, etc; and those are things that frustrate so many people but also reflect so many people and highlight for so many people the weaker parts of our personal character. It is crazy when you watch the show beginning to end and the evolution of Brooke's character of naked mean girl sitting in the back of Lucas's car, to his girlfriend that most people wanted out of the way so we could have Leyton, to this layered complex young female character, and so much more (that I won't add because of spoilers), but the point is she comes into her own and she overcomes the weakest parts of her identity by growing up. Her character often feels much more human and accessible than that of anyone else on the show, because her experiences and emotions are that not foreign to us: her low self esteem and issues with self worth, struggling with her identity beyond what she and everyone around her identified her as, absentee parents, heartbreak, assault, etc. While I am not trying to say that Peyton or anyone else on the show was less "real" or anything, because I love P. Sawyer and am a huge fan of Hilarie Burton, but so many people love Brooke for all of those reasons and because she LEARNED from her mistakes, found the value in being herself and was never this perfect character and was never made out to be perfect by the other characters. To quote Lucas "she was fiercely independent Brooke Davis, brilliant and beautiful and brave; in two years she'd grown more than anyone I had ever known. Brooke Davis is gonna change the world someday and I'm not sure she even knows it.."


This was great episode, the Haley and Nathan parts were hilarious with the list. She was all dramatic and hormonal and I loved it. It was really funny. I know a lot of people hate Rachel and she may act all crazy but she's sometimes the wisest person on the show and gives the most rational advices. I love her friendship with Brooke, they’ve come such a long way since season 3. In regards to Peyton and Brooke, I love that this story forced them to confront their issues and air out their dirty laundry. Brooke made Peyton feel like a backstabbing person for being honest with her, she didn’t even tell Lucas about her feelings until he and Brooke were completely 100% over. I don’t condone with the the way she and Luke betrayed Brooke in season 1 but Brooke should’ve been more understanding, she wasn’t even as angry and petty back in s1 as she was in the beginning of s4, making cracks about Peyton's moms' death when she was there for her and saw the pain Peyton was in both times and making cracks about her having a psycho... it was nasty and I’m so glad that fight happened, they got to let it all out and confront their issues rather that tiptoeing around them. Hilarie's acting was superb, they even played the Peyton theme that played in the shooting episode when she was at the library with Lucas and 3x21 at Nathan and Haley’s engagement party and reenactment of their story when she was confronting her feelings for him and had all those flashbacks. and Sophia was amazing too in that scene with her reactions, the look of pain and regret. Nathan’s apology tour was really funny too and I like how this episode reminded us who he was at the beginning of the series and how he’s changed and become a much better person. I hate that Karen is giving Dan a chance and that scene where Lucas calls them mom and them pauses and calls Dan dad FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!!!! was really touching and sweet and if he hadn’t killed Keith I might have actually enjoyed it for real. And then we have the reveal at the end with psycho Derek, I knew there was a reason why Lucas' hair was so long, because they wanted to give us the fakeout!!! when Peyton opened the door. And if you go back and rewatch the sequence where "Lucas" is getting ready for prom you’ll realise it’s not really Lucas, because 1.) they never show his face and 2.) the picture at the night stand is that same picture psycho Derek had in his apartment at the beginning of the season. A couple of other things I don’t you’re getting Juli is that, Rachel is 18!!! Lol she just went to a lot of different schools, and probably didn’t stay too long, Tree Hill High was just another one of them. She’s not old or a vampire lol. Another thing is when Lucas asked Nathan if it could have been him and Peyton he meant if it could’ve been a sex tape of Nathan with Peyton to which Nathan responded that Haley destroyed all the other tapes in the house. He knows that Nathan and Peyton had sex while they were dating lol. And when Haley told Lucas to show Peyton that he’s nothing like her ex-boyfriend and Lucas responded that Nathan was nothing like her ex boyfriend either they were talking about the guy Nathan used to be at the beginning of the show. Anyway, I’m psyched to watch your reaction to 4x16 and 4x17 those are really great ones!!!

Dydra Arnold

This was a great episode. I'm glad that Brooke finally got to hear from Peyton about how her actions impacted her when it came to her mom's and cutting her out of her life. I think it was much needed. By the way, that picture of Lucas and Peyton on Brooke's birthday was from when Peyton was trying to help Lucas get Brooke back by "stealing" something from the store. Haley was hilarious this episode and I can't wait for the next!


Nathan is nothing like her ex boyfriend means that Nathan is nothing like he used to be before


to be fair Brooke has no idea that Peyton was trying to help Luc. She was alone (minus Rachel) during her birthday, that hurted her. Agree with the rest of your comment.


I think Haley was reacting this way yes bc she was hormonal but also bc that was the second time she was blindsided by Nathan’s sexual past with a person close to her. I mean Brooke is a dear friend and not some stranger he hooked up with .. but yes he doesn’t owe her anything but she had a right to be unpleasantly surprised I think ;)


I feel like this sextape nonsense only doesn’t make me angry because of that scene where Brooke and Peyton finally talk about their feelings and how hurt they both feel and why. We truly needed that.


my favorite scene from this episode was definitely the Brooke/Peyton confrontation .. soooo many unresolved feelings getting out ... which is very necessary to rebuild this friendship in some way, maybe an even better way (no spoilers but S5 🙏)

Sara Peterson

God I feel like we really should have warned you aslkdhglasdhg the last several episodes are pretty meaty/juicy so I'm excited for a binge!!!! Although I'm also very excited for 4x16 today if you can get to it!!! Watching you try not to scream at the end oh my lord. You poor thing. :p

Jenn Rose

The end always gives me chills AHHHHH I didn't realize this was already happening.

Daniel Larson

The last 5 seconds of the episode reaction was priceless


I’m still conflicted on the Brooke/ Nathan storyline, but I’m glad it allowed the confrontation between Peyton and Brooke, so they could air out all their issues! The ending scene still gives me chills- your reaction was spot on lol! Super excited for the next episode & I hope you can binge the last 4/5 episodes next week! This season is so amazing, and season 5 is also one of my favs!


She literally thought it was Lucas and smiled then she saw Derek her face changed like quickly I laughed so hard


I have to add: the only thing better than Juli screaming about her children is Juli desperately trying NOT to scream about her children 🤣


i’m totally late but i just want to say for me it wasn’t the fact that peyton kissed lucas, it was the fact that afterwards brooke was crying to her asking why lucas broke up with her meanwhile peyton knew it was because of her and peyton was literally avoiding brooke when she needed her best friend the most


pregnant haley is too adorable and funny


Re watching and the second that Juli said what does he have to write a list ? I laughed like haha good guess