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What a phenomenal film! Thank you Shaun Kemmer for sponsoring this film!


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I'm about to watch Scrooge stay tune :)


Aw so no oth?


Yes! I’m working trough the movies so I can react to OTH tomorrow 😬😬😬 I just can’t wait!!!!


It's already 1:35 am sadly I will react to it tomorrow as early as I can so I can watch some OTH as well.

Shaun Kemmer

Yay happy you liked it and excited to watch it

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I am so happy you love this movie so much! It's phenomenal and it's all thanks to the brilliant mind of Christopher Nolan who created and wrote this movie with help from his brother Jonathan Nolan, as well as thanks to these amazing actors... Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, and Michael Caine. I absolutely love the mystery throughout this movie. I love the setting that takes place during the days of Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison and back when electricity was still experimental and frightening, the intrigue, the characters, and the overall storyline, as well as the long game until the finale when the whole story is revealed. Absolutely brilliant! :) Both Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale are amazing, as is Michael Caine. I have loved all three actors for a very ling time, and I really like Scarlett Johansson as well. And I love each of their characters, especially Angier (Hugh Jackman) and Alfred/Fallon (Christian Bale). Each of their characters' storylines are tragic, dark, and I each love their storylines as we learn why each character does all that they do. I love their rivalry that builds up into a dark obsession for them both to discover the secrets one another are hiding from the world. And I love the overall build up to the movie's ending where the mystery is at last revealed. And what a mystery! Both men's stories are tragic, as their hatred for one another only continues to grow into a dangerous obsession that leads to death and heartbreak. And in the end, it costs them both very dearly. I feel so badly for the women in their lives, and while both men somewhat deserves what happens to them, as natural consequences to their cruel actions... I do feel worse for Alfred Borden/Fallon, because one doesn't only wind up losing his wife and nearly his daughter, while the other loses the love of his girlfriend (Scarlett Johansson), but worst of all, his identical twin brother too, who is hung in the death for a crime he doesn't commit after being set up and framed by Angier. It's so wrong, and while Alfred/Fallon were wrong to keep their loves in the dark in order to keep up their secret, but they weren't evil and they weren't killers. Fallon only killed the real Angier in the end for the sake and protection of his daughter. Angier's obsession to beat Alfred turned him into both a killer and an evil man. I also really love the slight bit of historical fiction brought into this movie, as well as the supernatural with Nikola Tesla being a character that creates an electrical machine that has the power to create a double of whatever is zapped. A little it of magic. The setting is beautiful and I absolutely love time piece movies. Oh... and in answer to your question about who Fallon killed in the very end when he shoots Angier... It is the true Angier who dies at Fallon's hand. During the explanation, Angier states that it took him courage to step into that machine each time he did so, because he didn't ever know where the machine would place him... either off to where he steps out as the Prestige (the one who comes back to take a bow), or under the stage. You see... the machine doesn't only create duplicates of the person, cats, and hats that are zapped, but it also is a real transporter, that transports the real Angier in one of the two places. And the real Angier would always kill the duplicate created afterwards to keep his secret. The Angier who died in the water tank, was only one of the duplicates. I hope all of this makes sense to you. And yes... Fallon, who survived in the end was the brother who loved Sarah and who is Jess' true father. Alfred loved Olivia (Scarlett Johansson). And I really love that Sarah could always tell when it was truly her husband, who really did love her, and when it was his twin even though she didn't understand why there were days she was loved and days she wasn't. Sarah's death is tragic, but such an intricately written story. It's beautiful. Overall... this movie is absolutely phenomenal. The acting, the writing, as well as simply the ideas for the storyline. Both Christopher and Jonathan Nolan are brilliant writers and directors. I love all of their movies, and if you've never seen anything else from them either, then I would be more than happy to request more they've created. I know that you've already seen The Dark Knight Trilogy that is also created, directed, and written by Christopher Nolan, with help from Jonathan Nolan too. Please let me know if you have ever seen these other movies created by them... Inception starring Leonardo DiCaprio, and Interstellar starring Matthew McConaughey. If not... I would love to sponsor them soon too. Thank you so much, Juli!! Again... I am so happy you loved this movie like I love it. I hope anyone else who watches this reaction from you will love it as well. I can't wait for your next movie reactions!!!! Until next time... :)

Shaun Kemmer

It's crazy to think that Angier made a clone of himself every show and killed himself basically. At the end of the movie he says every night he was unsure if he would be the man in the box (drowning) or the prestige (the one appearing). But he must have killed at least 10-20 clones of himself. :X It's really fun watching the movie with you knowing the twist of Borden/Fallon. But I want to say that unlike many movies or shows where one is secretly a clone/twin they NEVER show the face. And that makes you suspect early that "Maybe it's a clone / twin / whatever because they never show us his face" but in this movie they do show his face (although he doesn't talk except for the 'goodbye' near the end) and since they show his face and he looks nothing like Borden (you even said, oh no he doesn't look the same. Nevermind) it's much easier to be fooled by it. Some stuff is obvious in hindsight - like the wife saying that half the time he tells her "I love you" he means it, and the other half of the time he doesn't mean it. Because it's different people. But there is also smaller things you may not have noticed, like when he says he busy so he can't spend time with his daughter that day, then his daughter says "you promised we'd go to the zoo tonight" and he's like "Oh did I? Then we will go to the zoo" - because he's not the person that promised her that. Also scenes where he talks to Fallon makes much more sense knowing the twist. Like when he tells Fallon to talk to Sara and convince her that he loves her etc. If we don't know the twist it might feel weird for some random (more or less) to have these conversations with Bordens wife. There's even a hint at the beginning of the movie, where he makes the knot that eventually kills that woman. Cutter says something like "you did the [whatever knot] again. It's like you forget [something]" - because it's not the same person. Or for the reason why he doesn't remember which knot he tied (how could he not know?!) because it wasn't him that did it (I also think the trauma of it could've messed with his memory making him unsure and questioning himself) Loved the reaction

Jarrod Wild

Happy to watch you watch this one Juli. I rewatch this movie pretty regularly, love it. It's definitely worthy of a rewatch once you know the twist. You can start to tell which twin is which based on the voice and behavior. Christian Bale did a remarkable job. And of course so did everybody else.

Shaun Kemmer

I would love to see her react to Memento (considered it but went with Prestige) and Inception. Interstellar would be cool too (I haven't seen it but would want to watch it w Juli)

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I absolutely love Inception and Interstellar is really good too. However, I don't care for Memento very much. I found that movie boring.