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Thank you so much Heidi for your incredible support! I loved this film sm!


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Thanks Juli, I look forward to watching this reaction later. Also when will you be posting your reaction to Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest?


I really enjoyed the performance of the actor who plays Anakin older. Padmé badass as ever, same for Obi-Wan and you get to see Yoda fight, he still have some moves 😂. Can't wait for you to discover the last one and the first two of the Trilogy that we have discover since 2015. The end is near...

Calculatus Eliminatus

As usual Juli, You are catching things correctly. Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru were the names of Luke's guardians in Episode 4. As far as the droids, it will be explained but that's a good theory (clearing their memory).


Have you noticed that Sir Christopher Lee, who played Count Dooku also played Saruman in LotR? And about that boy, who lost his father bounty hunter, his name is Boba Fett, in episode 4-6 he was bounty hunter, who captured Han Solo.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another fun and exciting reaction for Star Wars, in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones!!! And I'm so happy by how many details you're remembering from the previous movies, and how much you're recognizing in these movies when you're watching them. I'm especially impressed that you caught onto Chancellor Palpatine being the Emperor and Darth Vader's Master from the original trilogy, and that Anakin's stepbrother, Owen and his girlfriend Peru are Luke's uncle and aunt, who are sadly killed in Star Wars Episode VI: A New Hope. As for your thoughts about R2-D2 and C3-P0... your questions will later be answered. :) Bravo!! Now, as for Attack of the Clones... I really do enjoy this movie a lot. A lot of people dislike actor Hayden Christensen in the role of Anakin Skywalker. And I will admit that sometimes he is winy and a little more annoying than he is an exciting character to follow. However, that side of him is very important to his character development. It helps to foreshadow the kind of man we know him to become later on in the original trilogy movies. He's angry, he's afraid for those he loves, and he's arrogant, which is why the Emperor is eventually able to manipulate him into coming over to the Dark Side. And I appreciate this side of him, even if it doesn't always come off very well in some scenes. Overall... I love seeing his continued development, and I love the moments we see the darkness in his eyes and the music playing in the background that is Darth Vader's theme. The scene when Anakin saves his mother from the Tusken Raiders, only for her to die in his arms is heartbreaking. I truly felt for Anakin, and while I do understand why he killed all of the raiders and their families, it was most definitely wrong of him to seek vengeance against them. It's an absolute tragic situation that only feeds Anakin's anger and fear. And unfortunately, the Emperor knows it. As for Anakin and Padme choosing to love one another and marrying despite it being wrong for them to do so... I think their love is beautiful. Unfortunately, their love is also dangerous. Not only are they going against the will and laws of the Jedi, but they are keeping their love a secret, especially from those closest to them like Obi Wan Kenobi and Yoda. Their love is poison from the very beginning, as it makes Anakin even more arrogant and entitled to seeking out everything he wants, whether it's righteous to do so or not. I love the big war in the end between the Jedi including Obi Wan, Anakin, Yoda, Mace Windu, Count Dooku, and the villains. It's amazing to see all of the Jedi fighting with their lightsabers amidst the laser blasts. And as for the clone army... they are most definitely the first of the stormtroopers that will later become Darth Vader's soldiers within the Empire. I really enjoy this overall part of the storyline, especially the mystery behind the Sith Lord and Count Dooku secretly putting together a clone army under the noses of the Jedi Council. What's to comes isn't good, but it's most certainly exciting. And lastly... I love Obi Wan Kenobi and his overall storyline throughout this movie. I love his banter with Anakin, as well as how much he shows Anakin and Padme his loyalty and admiration for them. Ewan McGregor is a phenomenal actor and I love him in the role of Obi Wan Kenobi. Thank you so much for another reaction!! I enjoyed your reaction for this amazing movie very much. And I can't wait for next month, for your reaction to Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, as well as for Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, which is the first of the sequels!! I will definitely be continuing to sponsor these phenomenal movies. Thank you again! Until then...


I’m so happy I’m actually understanding a few things and I’m not just rambling without making sense. I absolutely understood Ani when he killed those man but the Jedis are supposed to be above that. I wonder what would had happened if Obi’s master had actually trained Ani instead of Obi. I mean Obi is a great master but it was Qui-Gon who truly believed in Ani. I mean it’s hard to say but idk it makes me wonder. Anakin has this darkness inside of him, Which is fueled by his arrogance. Something even Yoda says the new Jedi’s are having trouble handling. It’s hard sometimes to try to understand him due to the fact that we know who he will become but I want to say that by the end I think he redeemed himself when he saved Luke. Thank you once again for all your support! I can’t wait to watch more!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

You are absolutely welcome!! And yes... you understand a lot and I'm so happy you are, and are loving this phenomenal movie series so much! You make an interesting point... whether or not Anakin would act any differently had he been raised by Qui-Gon instead of Obi Wan Kenobi. Yes... Obi Wan is a great Jedi Master and Anakin means the world to him. But he didn't believe in Anakin like Qui-Gon did and I'm sure a part of Anakin sensed that. However, Obi Wan does believe in Anakin wholeheartedly now. Unfortunately, Anakin's arrogance blinds him to this more than it should. His arrogance, as it does for any Jedi like Yoda said, most definitely blinds Anakin to a lot of things. And yes... I agree with you that it can be difficult to feel for Anakin and to understand him when we know he becomes Darth Vader. But he did redeem himself in the end by saving Luke from being killed by the Emperor. And in doing so, he brings balance to the Force as has been prophesied that Anakin would do. Thank you again!