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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

First, Juli... if you wish to understand why these movies were filmed in such a strange order, read my comments I wrote for your reaction to Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope... the first Star Wars movie you watched. I explain why in them. :)

Taylor Jackson

Fun fact, yes Padme is played by Natalie Portman, but her decoy was played by 12 year old Keira Knightly, which is probably why it was a bit confusing since they already look alike in real life!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Now, as for Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace... I absolutely love this movie. Of course... not as much as I love the original trilogy, for the same reasons that you stated. The originals felt more magical and special. They were the first of their kind and you quickly fall in love with their characters. But that is also why I love these prequels too. Not just because I love their storylines, but I love that we come to learn the origin stories for some of the original characters we love in the original movies in these, such as... Obi Wan Kenobi who I absolutely love, Anakin Skywalker who is just adorable, Yoda, R2-D2 and C3-P0, and of course the Emperor too, who is the Chancellor as you figured out. Good for you, for sensing the evilness in him, as well as seeing the same chin. :) I love, love, love each of the battles that take place in the end. Between Obi Wan, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Darth Maul, between Padme/Queen Amidala, her decoy and soldiers, and the droids, the Gunguns also fighting against the droids outside of the city, and the big space battle with Anakin and the pilots against the other space ships. I especially love seeing Obi Wan fighting against Darth Maul, with his Master, and once Qui-Gon is wounded. His death was so sad, especially the finale moment between him and Obi Wan. I really loved his character a lot. However, I love that his death leads the way for Obi Wan becoming Anakin's Master. I love how we know that Anakin will eventually come to be Darth Vader and fall to the Dark Side, as we will continue to see his transformation. It's amazing, and sad to believe that such a cute and kind boy will grow to become so evil. As for your confusion about Anakin's destiny in him being the Chosen One... Anakin is meant to bring balance to the force, which could have multiple meanings in truth. However, Obi Wan... as Qui-Gon believed, believes that one day, Anakin will be the one who will have the strength and power to bring down the Dark Side. And as we see from Star Wars Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi... Anakin fights through the Emperor's influence and kills him, thus allowing the Alliance to defeat the Empire, which does just that. Anakin therefore brings balance to the Force. Sadly... he comes to be evil first before he can understand his true destiny. Fun fact... the actress who plays Padme/Queen Amidala is Natalie Portman just like you thought. And she's really good in her roles. As for her decoy, she is played by Kiera Knightly, who amazingly looks very much like her in their younger years, and their voices are similar as well. If you look closely at them both, you can tell. The amazing thing is... they trade back and forth playing the Queen and her decoy. If you watch closely... any time you can see the face of Natalie Portman without the make-up beneath the handmaid's orange robes she wears, or when the supposed Queen turns to her handmaid to speak with her, the Queen is being played by Kiera Knightly. You never see Kiera Knightly in this movie without the white make-up as the Queen's handmaid. I absolutely love this younger version of Obi Wan played by Ewan McGregor. Sadly, the original actor who played old Obi Wan in the original movies... Sir Alec Guinness, died a long, long time ago, not long after The Return of the Jedi came out. But I love this younger version of him too and Ewan McGregor plays him brilliantly. As for Jar Jar Binks… I thinks he's very funny. A little on the annoying side, but overall funny. Most people hate his character though, which is too bad. Most find him far too annoying. I really love Darth Maul as a character. I find him quite fascinating and I love seeing another Sith Lord, just as Darth Vader was to the Emperor not long afterwards. Also... the actor who plays him... Ray Park, wasn't the original actor chosen to play Darth Maul. Ray Park was originally only meant to be the original actor's stunt double and coordinator. However, the actor couldn't perfect the stunt work, so Ray Park took over actually playing the role of Darth Maul after a certain point in filming. Pretty amazing. :) Of course... I love Yoda like always, and I love Samuel L. Jackson as Master Mace Windu too. I love getting to see the Jedi Council, before Yoda is come to be found on the swamp planet known as the Dagaba System in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back and in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi as well. I love the origin of the Jedi council and the Jedi. It's also nice to see more than just one or two Jedi in a movie too. :) Overall... I love this movie very much! So thank you so much for your reaction to it. It means so much to me. As for your possible prediction that there may be something between Anakin and Padme... It's not an inconceivable notion. There's so much more to come. Just you wait and see. :) Thank you!! I had so much fun watching this movie again with you as you watch it for the first time, just as I love watching all the movie reactions I see. Until your next movie reactions...


Many people don't like the prequels but I am personally a big fan of them.

Clara V.

Me three! I think the big difference is, while I watched the originals as a kid I didn't watch them as they came out, so I never had an extended period of time where I wondered and built ideas and expectations in my mind about what the Old Republic, the Jedi Council or Anakin's backstory would look like. I pretty much went straight on to the prequels so in my head things were always the way they are. If I'd had more time in between I'm pretty sure I would have imagined something that (to me) would have felt more meaningful and then I totally might have shared in the disappointment. Who knows, I'm just glad I get to enjoy them for the solid, fun movies that they are.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I appreciate these prequels for what they are and for the nostalgia they give to those like me who happily grew up watching the originals. And they're fun. :)


The prequels aren't the most loved films in the series. I personally enjoy them, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Thadman (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-14 00:06:38 I think the idea of the technology looking newer than in the originals (that others pointed out like you) is that this takes place during the peak (and beginning of the decline) of the Republic (before the Empire) & mostly is in more of the central (wealthy) planets so the technology is more advanced than the scraps & scavenged tech Luke had in the more outer planets, like Tatooine. Also, when the Empire is in charge, the tech is more utilitarian. Nothing is made fancy anymore. Things are worn & simple looking 'cause they just keep getting repaired over and over or created assembly line-like. The filmmakers said they wanted to show the last part of the era when things (technology and aesthetics) were nice.
2019-10-12 10:35:40 I think the idea of the technology looking newer than in the originals (that others pointed out like you) is that this takes place during the peak (and beginning of the decline) of the Republic (before the Empire) & mostly is in more of the central (wealthy) planets so the technology is more advanced than the scraps & scavenged tech Luke had in the more outer planets, like Tatooine. Also, when the Empire is in charge, the tech is more utilitarian. Nothing is made fancy anymore. Things are worn & simple looking 'cause they just keep getting repaired over and over or created assembly line-like. The filmmakers said they wanted to show the last part of the era when things (technology and aesthetics) were nice.

I think the idea of the technology looking newer than in the originals (that others pointed out like you) is that this takes place during the peak (and beginning of the decline) of the Republic (before the Empire) & mostly is in more of the central (wealthy) planets so the technology is more advanced than the scraps & scavenged tech Luke had in the more outer planets, like Tatooine. Also, when the Empire is in charge, the tech is more utilitarian. Nothing is made fancy anymore. Things are worn & simple looking 'cause they just keep getting repaired over and over or created assembly line-like. The filmmakers said they wanted to show the last part of the era when things (technology and aesthetics) were nice.