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Thank you Heidi Marcum for sponsoring this wonderful film!


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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for such a wonderful reaction for my favorite of the three original movies too!!! It's really hard for me to say which of these three are really my favorites because they're all such phenomenal films and pretty much tied for the best, but if I absolutely had to choose... Return of the Jedi would be my choice. I love Han and Leia, Luke, Lando, Chewie, etc... And I absolutely love how this story concludes the original trilogy and show the Rebels defeat the Empire. Now... Yes, you would be right that in the end, we see Anakin Skywalker appear in spirit form next to Yoda and Obi Wan Kenobi to watch after the heroes celebrating their victory over the Empire at last. Back when Return of the Jedi was originally filmed and released in theaters back in 1983, the much older actor who plays Darth Vader inside the suit (Sebastian Shaw) and when Luke pulls off the mask... was also the actor we see in the end appear to Luke in spirit form with Yoda and Obi Wan Kenobi. However, in the remastered version of this movie which is what you watched on Netflix... the actor who appears in the very end before Luke at the celebration is the actor chosen to play young Anakin Skywalker in the prequels that are made many years later. They digitally took out Sebastian Shaw and put in Hayden Christensen instead for reasons that are really unknown to me. It's unfair and wrong for them to have removed the original actor in one of the only two scenes he actually appears in to bring in Hayden Christensen again. No offence to Hayden Christensen, but I wish they hadn't have done this, because it takes away credit from the original actor. As for another big change in the newly remastered version compared to the original version... in the original version, we see people throughout the galaxy celebrating the defeat of the Empire. However, we only see the celebration throughout the two cities we've actually been introduced to only, plus Endor which is the forest planet where the Ewoks live and where Han and Leia destroy the shield generator. The other two we saw were Tattooine (Luke's home planet and where Luke and Obi Wan Kenobi meet Han and Chewie for the first time in Star Wars: A New Hope), and Cloud City (Lando's home shown in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back). In the remastered version, we also see a few more planets celebrating that are planets shown in the prequel movies as well. You will get to see new worlds. :) As for my thoughts about the movie... I absolutely live it so much!! I love each of the separate battles in the end. Between Han, Leia, Chewie, R2-D2 and C3-P0, and the Ewoks against the Empire soldiers. Between Lando and the Rebels against the Empire soldiers in the space battle. And the battle between Luke, Darth Vader, and the Emperor. All three are amazing! I love Lando's scream of joy when he clears the Death Star just as it explodes. Yeehaw!!!! I also love the big battle in the desert when our heroes fight against Jabba the Hut and his thugs to save Han too. Amazing!!! And so much fun! :) I love the overall storylines throughout this movie as well. I love Han's and Leia's continued relationship. They so beautiful together and they're a power couple who are just amazing. :) I love how we learned that Leia is Luke's sister, which was another big shock just like us learning that Vader is Luke's father back in The Empire Strikes Back too. I love how Yoda reveals to Luke that there is another Skywalker, and that Obi Wan continues to explain that Leia is his sister. I love Luke's continued growth as a Jedi. I love how Luke bravely faces his father so he can bring him back from the Dark Side and save him, which he succeeds in doing when Vader saves his son's life by killing the Emperor. Beautiful. It's so sad that Anakin dies in the end, and it's sad that Yoda died too. But beautiful. And lastly... I love how Luke reveals to Leia, then Leia to Han in the end that Luke and Leia are bother and sister. As for the Ewoks... I love how cute they are and how much they look like adorable teddy bears I just want to hug. I love how they join the heroes to fight against the Empire as well. And lastly, as for the Emperor himself... I really enjoy his character as a leader of the Dark Side. He's evil and creepy, and he's a phenomenal villain as well. Overall... I just love these movies from the original trilogy. They're phenomenal, especially for movies made back in 1977, 1980, and 1983. Thank you again, so much for your reactions!! Until your next movie reactions...

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Absolutely!!! So long as Juli continues to enjoy these movies, I'm going to continue to sponsor them. :)

Amanda Logsdon

These movies basically defined my childhood, they never get old for me.

Alvin Cura

Speaking of agents of shield, both Clark Gregg and Ming Na-Wen, as well as if you recall from season 3 their characters, particularly Phil Coulson, are obvious Star Wars fans as well. So it seems kind of appropriate that you should mention them as a parallel of collaborative groups where everyone has their own special skills

Jarrod Wild

There were actually multiple sets of changes made from the 1983 release to the 1997 release and then the 2004 Bluray set, and then the 2012 Bluray. In the 1983 release, the end showed nothing outside of Endor, and there was a different song sung by the Ewoks. Also the song at Jabba's palace was different. Basically anything with CG wasn't in the 1983 release. Lucas couldn't stop making tweaks, and while I like seeing the updates to some of the existing visual effects, I don't like the alterations made to the story in each movie. I'm glad to have the original VHS collection that I can still watch because I have a VCR. :)