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Thank you Heidi for sponsoring this film! I loved it sm!


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Jarrod Wild

Not so fun fact: the story at the beginning with Luke being attacked and dragged away by the wampa was written in because Mark Hamill had been in a serious car accident after Star Wars was released. He needed cosmetic surgery and was left with permanent scars on his face.


Great reaction. Liked that even though you were pretty certain who Yoda was, that the way it was played on screen had you doubting for a moment. Yoda explaining the force and pulling up the X-Wing is my favorite scene of the whole franchise. Also like that you picked up on what I have always thought was key about the scene and that is Luke doubts in the force and his own power. It's weird watching Han/Leia scenes now as an adult compared to as a kid. Quite a bit is more mature than what I understood back then especially the scene when she was in his lap. Can't remember if Obi Wan called Luke's father Anakin last movie or not. The father twist was good and shocking but in both movies they do hint that Obi Wan's explanation wasn't the full truth. First he looked like he wasn't telling the whole truth. Then little hints by the uncle and by Yoda. Can't wait for Return of the Jedi, my personal favorite.

Patrick Sullivan

Some of this might be real life writes the plot. Han and Leia's love story might be because they were getting to" know" each other during the first film. Mostly, from the Carrie Fisher herself, because Harrison Ford had truly excellent weed. It worked out for the best on screen and they evidently parted close friends. But if you see sexual tension there was some real life sexual tension going on.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much, Juli for your amazing reaction for such a beautiful and brilliant movie!!! I love The Empire Strikes Back!! I love everything about it. I especially love Han and Leia's love story. They are definitely in love with one another. And when Leia at last proclaims her love for him when she tells him so before he's about to be frozen, and he simply replies, "I know.", yes... a part of it is because he's afraid of saying goodbye, but it's also because it's in his character. Han is cocky and full of himself. Throughout A New Hope and especially here in The Empire Strikes Back, Han teases Leia relentlessly that she likes him and that she has feelings for him. And doing so annoys her. So when he responds, "I know.", a part of him is telling her that he's known she's loved him all along to be cocky and to be brave for her in that moment of tragedy when he could very well die, but also as a way of telling Leia that he loves her too. And it's so beautiful. I absolutely love them together and their banter back and forth. Amazing chemistry. :) Also... When Leia kissed Lue in the beginning, it was definitely so she could tick Han off and to make him jealous. She was angry with him for acting so cocky. And when she kissed Luke again later on when she was caring for him after he lost his hand... it was to show she loved him, but not in a romantic sense. She wanted him to know she was there for him and that she cared. That she needed him to be strong enough to survive his ordeal after facing off against Darth Vader and losing. She loves Luke, but she's in love with Han. As for the big revelation that Darth Vader is Luke's father... I'm not at all surprised that you vaguely remembered hearing this from somewhere. This moment is known to be one of the very biggest moments throughout all cinematic history, and this line is commonly misquoted in so many other movies and shows because these three original Star Wars films are beloved by so many people. They usually quote the line as, "Luke... I am your father.", when really the line is more simple... "No, I am your father." If there are any movies that will be remembered at the end of the world when all others are forgotten... Star Wars, the original trilogy will be the movies forever remembered. And lastly... I love Lando Calrissian, played by actor Billy Dee Williams. He did betray Han and Leia, but I love his character because he redeemed himself in the end and helped to save Leia, Chewie, and Luke too in the end, and joined them to find Han so they can save him from Jabba and the Bounty Hunter. I understand why he had to turn Han and Leia over to Vader and the Empire, because the Empire was a threat to his people. He was protecting them. But when Vader kept reneging on their deal more and more, Lando knew that they were a threat no matter what he dead and so he found the courage to stand up to the Empire and fought to save his friends instead. I admire that about him. Plus... he's funny and cocky just like Han, and I really enjoy their banter and friendship as well. Thank you again!! I cannot wait for your reaction to Star Wars Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi. I absolutely love it!!! I truly hope you will love it too. :)

Alvin Cura

Thank you for this one Juli!

Thadman (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-14 00:11:07 Hey Juli, You talked about how you cannot go through life without hearing or seeing references to this iconic series (and you are correct). When you rewatch Agents of SHIELD, like I know you will at some point, now you should catch a lot of the SW references. Coulson/Clark Gregg are huge fans. 😁 The one that comes to mind from this is during S5 when Fitz is about to cryo-freeze himself & Hunter looks down through the little window & says "I love you," Fitz replies "I know."
2019-10-09 08:25:53 Hey Juli, You talked about how you cannot go through life without hearing or seeing references to this iconic series (and you are correct). When you rewatch Agents of SHIELD, like I know you will at some point, now you should catch a lot of the SW references. Coulson/Clark Gregg are huge fans. 😁 The one that comes to mind from this is during S5 when Fitz is about to cryo-freeze himself & Hunter looks down through the little window & says "I love you," Fitz replies "I know."

Hey Juli, You talked about how you cannot go through life without hearing or seeing references to this iconic series (and you are correct). When you rewatch Agents of SHIELD, like I know you will at some point, now you should catch a lot of the SW references. Coulson/Clark Gregg are huge fans. 😁 The one that comes to mind from this is during S5 when Fitz is about to cryo-freeze himself & Hunter looks down through the little window & says "I love you," Fitz replies "I know."