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Almost at the end of season 5 !! I hope this works for everyone. It seems to be working fine rn. If you have any troubles with it please let me know and I'll try to help.


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Im so excited for the next two episodes but im going to miss your reactions to AOS! I really hope u have time to react to some interviews or panels while we wait for season 6 cause you will fall in love with the cast and they're really fun!

Christopher simeon

I knew that waiting for this episode would enhance your experience for infinity war because now you know Talbots motivation for getting more gravitonuim and it doesn’t ruin the storytelling for shield because if you watched this episode after the movie then it will be odd to hear about thanos after you’ve already seen the outcome of the movie. I agree that you shouldn’t choose sides on the team because both are making mistakes. Many Marvel fans try to say that Agents Of Shield is not canon to the movies because they didn’t help in any of the movies especially infinity war but you can see that they have their own problems that they have to deal with at the same time

Jarrod Wild

Well this is weird because that throwaway line Caine gave in 5x19 and what was discussed about Thanos here is happening concurrently with Infinity War. It's almost like you have to watch Infinity War in chunks and then watch 5x19 and 5x20, and then come back to watch more Infinity War, then watch 5x21 and 5x22, then go back to Infinity War one more time.

Jarrod Wild

So the difference between what Daisy and May are doing and what Yo-Yo did is that one is trying to save a life while the other took a life that may have been savable. Sure Yo-Yo may have been suffering some PTSD from losing her arms and wasn't thinking clearly, but don't forget Mack went through losing his daughter, then getting her back only to lose her again, which for a father (or mother) is just like losing a part of yourself. And he went through it *twice*. Mack has very strong ideals and is clearly a religious man, he's stubborn that way.


Talbot is amazing :D


I'm not at all a fan of this line of reasoning that Yo-Yo did what she did from PTSD. Sure, it's a valid reason why people do stuff, but I don't think that was her reasoning. I said, "Ruby is about to pop OFF! SOMEBODY needs to kill her NOW." Then Yo-Yo did and because it was her, people can blame her for doing it as simply revenge, which I don't think it was at all. I thought of it TOTALLY like the May/Bahrain incident. It was tragic but had to be done and the call needed to be made. Because Yo-Yo was angry made it easier for her to do it, but I doubt she would've killed Ruby simply out of revenge if she wasn't powered up and completely insane and out of control. She probably would've beat the crap outta her though.


The moment Talbot made Coulson kneel he was dead to me lol. I hated that scene so much :( Also Jemma refusing to do what Daisy wanted with Jiaying’s bones would have been totally understandable if it was because she now knows saving Coulson is what ends the world, but actually refusing because “it has moral implications” is just hypocrisy at its finest. The only thing I hated about this season was, like you said, it makes you feel like you have a choice to make: team Fitzsimmons/Yoyo or team Daisy/Coulson/May, whereas before they were all in the same team :(

The Ruptards

Mack really made me mad this season with his whole "Shield doesn't kill" bs. The dude literally made a shotgun-axe with the sole purpose of killing.


This is where we completely disagree 'cause that is an interpretation. I don't think she'd be upset if she did it out of revenge. That doesn't make sense. She would've just rationalized the killing in that Ruby deserved to die or some such thing.


Remember Deke said in the future that no one really knows what happened, but he pieced things together using old footage, which was very little left, but they did have that one with Daisy outside the quinjet and heading towards the epicenter and then a little bit later, a huge earthquake that splits the world apart. So, that's how they "pinned" it on her, but they were all going on VERY limited info. The Confederacy knew of the HYDRA plan for The Destroyer of Worlds, so that's where they got the name and assumed that was her, also from what Hale was planning.

Jarrod Wild

Are you talking about what I said above in another reply thread? If so, then why is my interpretation just completely invalid because it's an "interpretation"? We're both making interpretations. Mine is that there's no reason Yo-Yo would have to externalize that Ruby deserved to die, and what she said can easily be interpreted as guilt that all she has left is that she did it for revenge, which is now affecting her conscience. It's psychology.


Fun Fact: In 100th episode interview Yoyo was asked by the interviewer that, If the show runs for another 5years what would you like to be as a character. She said she wants to be mentoring young inhumans, which she pointed out like Flint in fist half of the season and then BOOM She killed a kid who got powers just minutes ago. These show runners, don't get me wrong just an interesting fact... And yes its so sad that you are coming to an end of this MCU Movie and AOS Journey. The first movie you will be experiencing in theaters is CAPTAIN MARVEL first female LEAD superhero of MCU. Remember that name Jul and that's it i don't want to spoil anything. Loved your reactions as usual as every other Episodes. Love U Take Care. Noooooooooo Not without saying this Waiting For AVENGERS: INFINITY WAAAAR.

Calculatus Eliminatus

Wow. Lots of discussion on this one. From a story telling point of view I always saw what's happening with the team as foreshadowing / paralleling what will happen with Earth. The Earth will be shattered, humanity all but destroyed. And that's what's happening with our team. It's shattered, broken, continuing down the path that breaks the Earth. More than that, it's a reflection of the political climate in the US. Everyone splitting into little groups with the own agendas, every right from their own perspective but never bothering to truly listen to those with opposing views. Our AOS team is broken and we as viewers can see it. We can see that no one has a monopoly on truth and what's right. And then we have Coulson as the one who can bring the pieces together. He brought the Avengers together, perhaps he can bring his own team back from the brink as well. It's actually quite a great use of symbolism and story telling. It's always been Coulson who is there, doing what needs to be done to be the Shield. And he will bring the pieces together again. Robin has seen it.


The way i see it, there are a lot of arguments for and against all the different sides our team members are on. You can argue for or against everyone, and it eventually all comes down to your own bias of who your favourite character is. For me, i'll always stay on Daisy's side although i know she's not doing everything right in this season but in general i agree with her the most. The whole Ruby thing or Team Daisy/Team Yoyo thing is basically Team Cap or Team Tony all over again, just with a little less intensity :D There isn't one right side to pick (although i'll always believe Cap and Daisy are more right than the other ones^^) and that's the great thing about the MCU. There isn't always THE solution to everything and we as fans can figure out for ourselves which way we think is the best for our heroes.

Daniel French

After you've watched 5x21 and 5x22 you should react to that half hour interview with Ian De Caestecker and Elizabeth Henstridge, it's between S4 and S5 and it is really hilarious. It's the one from C2E2 2017. There's also a great panel with Ian, Henry Simmons (Mack) and Clark Gregg (Coulson). I know I keep saying it but you really should react to both, you won't regret it Juli!! Great reaction as always!!


Does anybody know what time Infinity war gets posted?.


Like at night

Jonathan Bodford

I can’t wait for the infinity war reaction


So we can expect the reaction in a couple hours?.


Hahaah yeah every 5 minutes lol

Tom Sinclair

Can I just say here how cool it is that SHIELD now has a space ship?

Tom Sinclair

I remember when Daisy was talking about leaders having to "make the hard call" as justifying her decisions. The problem with that is you can only make the hard calls when you take your own feelings out of the equation. Daisy is not doing that.


When they first created that ability, I said, "Cool...oh, they can't really GO anywhere though. They don't have fuel for interplanetary trips nor do they have FTL capability." So, I bummed myself out IMMEDIATELY. xD


Not be rude or anything, but she could have given us a update about her posting infinity war.

Tom Sinclair

Are you not getting the email updates from Patreon? That's how I hear about stuff. (Might be a profile setting but I'm not sure which one.)

Nanci Fenstermaker

Coulson never did that either. Nor does Mack. Why do people always think Daisy is not good leader when she has done exactly what all the others have done. It's a double standard and I am beginning to think it's cause Daisy is female.

Nanci Fenstermaker

Juli - you talked about PTSD with YoYo. What about PTSD with Daisy? And Mack. Daisy lost Lincoln and her mother tried to kill her. And Mack lost Hope. And Fitz lost himself. May lost herself. Everyone has been thru trauma. It seems like you are excusing only YoYo.


also for daisy, ruby was kid who just got powers that she didn’t understand, just like daisy when she got her powers she also didn’t know how to control it she was breaking things causing earthquakes imagine if someone had just killed her which people tried to do she got chased through a forest by agents who tried to shoot and kill her.


True but Ruby actively harmed people even before she got her powers so add powers to an already reckless & dangerous person and we get a recipe for disaster lol

Nicole Christie

I love YoYo and I agree that everyone has been traumatized in this show I don't think shes just excusing YoYo I think what she is getting at is with Daisy it either her way or no way. It's not about excusing YoYo it's about seeing it from a different perspective which Daisy can't or isn't willing to do. I like Daisy too but as a leader she SUCKS. (at least in the show). I honestly don't think killing Ruby had anything to do with PTSD anyway I think it was truly about protecting the future. And trying to keep what she saw in the future from coming true


There is plenty of hypocrisy to go all around with the team and their decision making - they’re all wrong in different ways on different decisions - the problem is that no one is willing to recognize that they’ve done something wrong and they’re all throwing jabs at each other when standing in each other’s shoes they all would have made the same decisions. But then again, this is all a result of everything happening so quickly all at once, no one really has had any time to process and they’re all dealing with at least two seasons’ worth of trauma and drama. I think if they had some break in between, their decision making would be clearer and maybe they wouldn’t be at each other’s throats. What happens to Talbot though, that is a true tragedy, he didn’t deserve that and all he wanted to do was help.