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Update: **AUDIO FIXED**

I hope everyone can watch this reaction. IDK why some ppl is having issues with it tho. What I could find is that you need to clear your cache. You can try using a different browser to open the file or watch this video for another possible solution: https://youtu.be/Vj0kS2viQ8U

Downloading the file also helps.

Maybe update Drive to Google one, that also might be the problem. None of this issues are due to anything I did wrong. It's just Drive acting up. If you have any other suggestions where to host the files let me know.


517 T5D6.mp4


Rob Flynn

I don't have time to watch right now, but I did verify that the video loads and plays properly.

Jimmy Jones

It streams just fine on mobile version of google drive. Thanks. Hope you aren't too stressed over this. As long as you got the videos uploaded by the end of the month that you planned, then nobody has missed out on anything.


Is it supposed to go straight to YouTube bc that’s what mine is doing and that never happens I guess I’ll try it again later hoping it will work in a couple hours for me


It's not supposed to go youtube. This is posted on Drive. It does have the same video player but it's not YouTube.


Is there anyone familiar with the following error message that I keep receiving upon my attempts to view : ! Invalid Parameters.


I'm very stressed out bc IDK how to fix it. And so far I haven't found a better place to host the videos.


I don't know if it is just me, but from 29.45 to the end there is no sound, just your voice. You have a lovely voice but I would like the show's sound too😊😉

Charles Wise

Same here I get invalid parameters I tried clearing everything in browser like history cookies and cache and still get invalid parameters and other reactors have the problem the only way to solve it I used Firefox browser and h

Nanci Fenstermaker

Yep. Me too. Fine till that point then I have no sound on the video itself. I mean I can rad the words so it's okay.

Jimmy Jones

Perfectly watchable but yeah I have just hit the spot where the shows audio just got dropped after the Philinda scene. The audio issue isn't a google drive issue. I think it got disconnected somehow when you paused the video. We can still hear you.


Can you try a different browser?? Firefox seems to do the trick.


For the ones who can't watch it on google drive, maybe you can download it and watch it with your own player on your device.


Also another weird thing (I’m so sorry to bother you with all this bc Ik you work hours upon hours and honestly you deserve a reward reactors provide so much for us they work so hard they should have reactor award parties like the oscars) anyway when I tried downloading it and it started to work so I just left the app and well then it stopped but I’m hoping in a couple hours bc I’m not home that it will work again


Worked for me in chrome! I pulled up my netflix for the part where the audio cuts, luckily your mic still worked!


Download the google drive app. You can watch the videos there. I just did it.

Linsey Morris

i'm not sure how i'd feel about a deke/daisy romance (i'd really love for robbie to come back or for her to get a girlfriend [I CAN DREAM]) but you're right, they have really good chemistry. chloe and jeff are like best friends in real life too it's adorable and hilarious. i definitely recommend watching all their insta stories together bc it's never boring lmao (also i should note that iain and jeff are also best friends and THAT'S ALSO SUPER ADORABLE the whole cast is adorable we know this) ALSO IF YOU WOULD HAVE TOLD ME BACK IN S1 THAT LITTLE NERD DUO FITZSIMMONS WOULD HAVE A BADASS ACTION SEQUENCE IN SLOW-MO I NEVER WOULD HAVE BELIEVED YOU

Alvin Cura

Are we not going to talk about how hot the ladies of SHIELD's hindquarters look in the tight pants that they've been wearing lately? Sorry, not trying to be creepy, but I've been thinking it for several episodes now: no one has mentioned it.

Alvin Cura

I personally find it incredible that in Season 5 a recurring character from Season 1 got subverted by a method shown in Season 2, while concurrently an element discovered in the third episode in the series is being explored via a device surrendered by one of the principal Hydra bad guys in Season 3 before he was killed; meanwhile the character who launched the show after being killed in the MCU movies has to face the emotional impact of a decision he made in Season 4. I mean... props to the creators. Like, seriously.


Watching via IE on xbox and got the invalid parameters error but I managed to watch it by downloading it to my xbox and opening with the Kodi app! Another great reaction.. Thank you, Juli! We appreciate all the hard work you put in :-]

Christopher simeon

The audio does cut half way through but I could just sync it with my Netflix

Carine Allen

if you think Daisy and Deke have chemistry, you should see the instagram stories and facebook lives with the actors, Chloe and Jeff have so much chemistry behind the scenes! they are hilarious together hahaha


their shenanigans are legendary :D their first facebook live thing was so funny


I thought the Philinda "I love you" scene would excite you more lol. I actually re-watched that scene so many times when it aired: Philinda is FINALLY canon!!!


Poor Deke, he gets shot and nearly dies while his grandparents aren't even around to save him - poor baby, i wish they let the family spend some time together, I wanted to see Grandma Jemma fussing about her grandbaby!! meanwhile poor Talbot, the man just wants to go home and get away from all the drama, but he keeps getting dragged in and used by people, he deserves better ---- also, interesting thing to note, when he and Coulson were in snow forest, despite him being in the condition physically and mentally he was, it was still Talbot who first noticed the sound of Ruby's weapon and literally dropped to his knee to dodge before Coulson even noticed what was happening - even with everything, his military training and instincts were still there I personally don't want Deke and Daisy as a romantic thing, I just want them to be a BROTP running around having fun shenanigans like their actors Jeff and Chloe do :D Those two are hilarious off screen, you got to react to their hamilton lip syncs


it's funny how different people ship characters :D the only person i've ever shipped with Daisy was Lincoln (and probably will always be the only character). The biggest reason why i don't ship Daisy and Deke is that i dont think everyone on the team should have a romantic relationship with another team member. We already have FitzSimmons, Mack&Yoyo and kind of Phillinda. It's just too much for a show that isn't even supposed to focus on romance in the first place. That's also the reason i never really shipped Phillinda (which is a very unpopular opinion in the fandom haha). Not all characters who share good chemistry should always have a romantic relationship especially in a show like Shield where the team aspect matters so much. Of course our guys need amazing chemistry because they are a team and also a family :)


Show audio got missing on min 30, Juli!


Wohoo, thankyou, then!


Thank you Juli for fixing the audio and as always again a great reaction.


This show. I love that you are promoting it in your family, 'cause that is what I did. First my mother, then my sister and father, then my friends ;) So glad we are reaching final episodes, 'cause you are going to die once you watch Infinity War and go back to AOS XDDD

Tom Sinclair

When May told Coulson that she loved him, I thought she was going to follow it up by punching him. Seriously, that was the most threatening declaration of love ever.


You are gonna be disappointed if you compare shows. I never do that. I get depressed enough on my own, I don't need to give myself more reasons to by comparing things that are not in...competition. Also, variety is the spice of life and I'd get bored with any genre if they were all the same. Many are not trying to be something they're not (i.e. Supergirl and Riverdale aren't trying to be AoS), so that's why I only try to judge them on the criteria they've sort of created for themselves. But, main goal is to just enjoy as much as I can and if I don't, I stop watching otherwise it starts to bring me grief.

Tom Sinclair

I agree. I've started watching shows that I've enjoyed and been disappointed when they lost the plot and went off the rails a few seasons in. So far AOS has been going from strength to strength, however.

Tom Sinclair

The thing I like about Philinda is that not only is it a mature relationship but that it's been a very slow burn. They were already friends, co-workers and kind of attracted to each other before we met them (as shown in S4) but they held off on expressing their deeper feelings out of mutual respect. I think they didn't want to risk ruining the relationship they had already built. That feels real to me.

Jarrod Wild

That scene with drugged-up Deke is one of my favorites. I appreciated Jeff Ward as an actor so much more.


I love the fact that they just let him do whatever he wanted in that moment and didn't hold him back - Jeff has such a naturally amazing comedic talent :D