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What is happening?!?!? I love this show sm !!


503 BB.mp4



awesome reaction! I was wondering if you have a timetable for when you plan on reacting to AOS? Is it going to still be two episodes a week?

Linsey Morris

the next few episodes are some of my favorites! also deke is pronounced like "deek". i haven't watched fringe (it's on my list!) but the "i am become death destroyer of worlds" was also on the 100. there was actually an episode in season 1 called I Am Become Death, clarke said the quote to bellamy at the end of the episode and he goes "i know who oppenheimer is" lol

Christopher simeon

I will not confirm or deny any of your theories and I hope nobody else does either but this season is so different from the previous season and every episode holds a clue to what’s really going on. Excited for the rest of the season reactions juli 😊


I love your reactions, and I can not wait for the next episodes. I miss FitzSimmons too.

Calculatus Eliminatus

You aren't stupid. These are the same debates we all had watching this the first time. Keep an open mind and don't get too locked in on any theory. Like always with AOS, there are twists and turns that will change everything you think you know.

Calculatus Eliminatus

Another thing I was reminded of. Way back in the beginning of the show, I seem to recall you saying something about not really being into super hero movies. I love that this show has brought you into the MCU and that you are enjoying it.


your setting is all good Juli, position of the screen is perfect, audio also good. it totally works fine for me, so no need for improvement if you are comfortable with it.

Alvin Cura

Juli dear, I think a full series rewatch before the Season 6 premiere is a great idea. But the thing is (for us your viewers) that by then, you will also be caught up with the MCU movies, and you will have a full vision of the connections and crossover hooks. I'd love to hear you talk about those.....

Egil Hellá

Nice reaction Juli I am very exited for the next one and I think that you should move the window that shows the episode back to the upper left corner like before

Bria Bey

I don't think it will be twice a week unless she has time since she has cut down her reactions to two a day.

Latefah Waller

They are in the same universe. They are not in a parallel universe. They have been extracted from the past by that white rock.

Rob Flynn

Mac hit that dude so hard I felt it a little.

Rob Flynn

Also, I find myself humming Sinara's theme song sometimes. Haha


The multi-verse theory Deke throws out is him spitballing. There are a lot of theories thrown out. Just because someone suggests something, especially early on, doesn't mean that's actually what IS happening. No one knows, yet, what is happening. Much of this season is trying to figure out exactly what's happening and when.


That Inhuman ability that Abby has is one of the main abilities The Vision has.


First of all, when you wonder how Daisy could destroy the world when the Avengers exist - just think about the timing of it all - if Daisy destroyed the world, then it would be around the time of Thanos' arrival as Infinity War loomed right around the corner, so Daisy could have easily been involved in some world ending event and the Avengers wasn't there to stop things because they were too busy with the events of Infinity War. As you said, Daisy exists in the same universe as the Avengers - which means the Thanos threat affects them all. Secondly, your theory of alternate universe because they've been taken out of time so they wouldn't be there to destroy the world is forgetting one thing - remember, they are out of time now, but it hasn't been said that they can't get back to their right time and then Daisy does something and the world ends - for all we know, they get back to 2018 very soon and then things go wrong and Daisy destroys the world and the future becomes what it is, for all we know, they are in the middle of creating that future. Lastly, Deke selling out Daisy is his way of neutralizing a threat - this team has been running around doing their shenanigans and having no sense of situational awareness - note that Deke again and again implored them to not react rashly and get into trouble because it could mean people get hurt, but the team is stubborn and they are still stuck in their 2018 mindset so they can't help themselves - Deke by selling out Daisy not only neutralizes Daisy as a threat so that her actions if she did break in and could have gotten people killed now won't happen, she won't cause trouble, and she'll be closer to Jemma, and on the other hand, Deke gets in good with Kasius and gets paid - it's basically a win win scenario that Deke had to come up at the last moment because he knew he wasn't gonna be able to physically stop Daisy from doing something that could get everyone killed, so this way, it takes her out of the running of getting into trouble, she gets closer to Jemma, he gets paid and good connections, and nobody else dies.


"I don't HALF-hit people. That's why it's called a PUNCH!"


That is a very generous idea of Deke's selling Daisy out, BUT it does explain what he means by "the long game."


Yes, Deke is pronounced like "Greek" or "geek" or "week."


The theories of the timeline and time travel will be discussed as in what is possible and not. Also remember the episode with the Inhuman who could see the future and peoples' death and Fitz explained time as being the 4th dimension and it being fixed and unchangeable. That's one thing to keep in mind. But, also keep in mind that since then, they've discovered magic exists, so...


Well I wouldn't say it's a generous idea as it is simply what it is - Deke ever since running into the team did not like their attitude of riling things up and causing trouble, right before Daisy went and got that tablet from YoYo, Deke was already saying "don't do something stupid please" and when she did, Deke tried to talk her out of it, even stating that if she give him some time, he can get Daisy an invitation into Kasius' place so she can just waltz right in without any resistance and there would be less trouble but Daisy didn't take to that plan and didn't want to wait, and Deke was in no position to stop her, I mean, she literally quaked him into a wall right then and there, so the only way Deke knows to be able to stop Daisy is to go to Kasius - I doubt that Deke necessarily had all the steps planned or necessarily cared particularly about Daisy's safety, but the whole idea was a last minute to simply get Daisy out of the way so she wouldn't do something that would get other people killed - so either way, it was to neutralize a threat which he saw Daisy as one. I wouldn't say it was the greatest plan, but he did have the long game in mind, which is survival and humanity not go extinct because Daisy did something stupid again. Getting paid by Kasius was ultimately just a bonus/icing on the cake. He mostly just saw Daisy as dangerous and wanted her out of the way.


By the way, "Destroyer of Worlds"...can be considered badass. When he called her that, I was like, "Oh, nice. OWN IT!" xD


I think it's true that Deke was trying to minimize the damage of Daisy's "bull in a china shop" tactics and it was probably the best way to deal with it without getting another punishment from the Kree on all the humans. I do think that he was cutting her loose though and didn't have a plan for her after handing her over to Kasius, but she alone was not his concern, everyone else is although Daisy kept assuming that he was only concerned about himself. It's also weird, come to think of it, how Daisy just automatically assumed the worst of him before that point and that he was lying to her. He's a fast-talker and he lied to the Kree, so maybe she took that as him being untrustworthy 'cause she didn't ever seem to listen to his warnings. I am looking at this in hindsight though, which is 20/20. But, I always thought, "You're in a new place, get the lay of the land from those who LIVE there."


I think Deke probably just figured that once he got her inside and out of the way, she can probably do the next parts herself. If she's the Destroyer of Worlds and has all that power, he probably wasn't thinking that she couldn't take care of herself. He most likely thought as long as he got her in the door without anyone else getting hurt or facing backlash, then it's a win win situation. Yeah, Daisy's automatic distrust of Deke, and mostly the team not quite willing to listen either, always did bother me, like you said, they're in a new place, they ought to listen to the people who lived there their entire lives. It never quite made sense to me why the team was just really bad as their job, which is to blend in and be spies, like they were doing some very bad spy work - except YoYo, I think YoYo and May were the best at actual blending in spy work LOL I just think Daisy is very bullheaded sometimes and very one-track minded, I mean, think of it back to Season 1, she's stubborn when she's got a mission on her mind, so anyone who does something she doesn't like is kinda the automatic enemy - Deke was preventing her from getting to rescue Simmons, so by default, it made Deke the bad guy. But then again, I've also wondered if Daisy was seeing a bit of her old self in Deke? Season 1 Daisy before getting involved with SHIELD is pretty sneak and is good at lying on her feet too, so maybe she felt like she knew what kind of person Deke was because she was once like that. But it does bother me that they just assumed that Deke was selfish when it's kinda proven again and again that what they think are his bad and selfish intentions are actually his way of trying to do the only good thing he knows to do, which is to keep the peace.

Alvin Cura

Hey guys, I think we're really walking on the fine line of spoiler here. Remember when we first watched it, we had no clue about whether it was a parallel universe, time loops, how it got back. We were all wondering if it was Dr. Who rules, or Star Trek rules, or whatever. Anyhow, none of us got the weebly-wobbly timey-wimey explanation; so we should probably avoid giving it to her. :)