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Guys I won't post more reactions today. My mom is at the hospital. Pls pray for her.



Aww I hope she gets better ! What’s wrong with your mom if it’s not too personal?

Dan Guisinger

Don’t worry about us, I hope everything turns out okay

Carine Allen

No problem, I hope your mother gets well soon!

Rob Flynn

Oh no! (hugs) I hope your mother recovers soon.


Don't worry about the uploads! I'm so sorry. She'll be in my prayers. Hope and pray she'll be OK and out soon! <3.


don't you worry about it! I'm gonna pray for your mom, hopefully she'll be alright :)

Christopher simeon

Sorry to hear that juli. Don’t worry about us. We’re here for you.


Oh im sorry to hear that I hope she is fine :( We will pray for her ! Much love <3

Jason Short

I'm sorry hope you mom be okay don't do reaction into you ready we will wait

Marcella Fonseca

I'm sorry, hope she feels better soon <3


Please take your time, I'm sorry to hear that. Sending positive energy your way.




All of my best wishes are for your mom and you. I hope it's not too serious. Whatever the issue is you'll need to be a pillar for her and your son now.


I hope your mom is doing okay and that it's nothing too serious and hope she gets better soon.

Camilla L

I'm so sorry to hear that, sending lots of love and warm thoughts your familys way... be strong for her, wich i know you are!! And don't even worry about us!


I'm so sorry Juli, she will be in my prayers. Hope she feels better soon


I’m so sorry. I hope your mom gets better soon!

Alvin Cura

Prayers are with you and your family

Bridget b

Hope everything is ok! Prayers 💗💗


My prayers are with your mother and your family.

Marťák Pechman

I hope everything is ok Juli! ♥ Prayers! ♥


My god, my prayers are for her and you and Josh. Hope everything will be okay. We totally undersrand of course

Caitlyn Skiff

I'm so sorry this has happened and hope she will be okay.


I hope everything is okay. <3


Praying everything is okay!! x




I hope your mom is fine