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Honestly, Oliver is jelous of Barry lol


210 GTR7.mp4



Love your reaction and The flash doesn’t start until season 3 of arrow


Just an idea about the arrowverse if you do do it. You could replace it with the vampire diaries/the originals when you completed it.

Carine Allen

Oliver was certainly jealous of felicity in this episode! I think when Felicity was away he began to realize that he felt something for her. Love is like falling asleep, slow and suddenly, and you only notice when you wake up hahaha and I think he woke up in this episode, but as you said, he thinks this is something he can never have, so he tries to deny at all costs.


Haha, I like when you heard Sara talking about the Mirakuru research and then saying, "Yyyeah, let's not tell Slade anything."


Sebastian Blood seems like he's telling half-truths. When people ask him things outright, he tells a version of the truth while leaving important things out. First and foremost he seems to believe whole-heartedly in his cause, whatever that is. The Cyrus Gold preacher connection sorta explains the whole "brother" Blood thing.


Oliver was stating the obvious...to US, but Slade didn't know what was wrong with him 'cause he didn't hear Sara talking about the Mirakuru research. Also, when the 2nd building blew up and he said something like, "He's hit again," and you said "No shit, Sherlock," he was talking to his team on comms, not Quentin. They didn't know a building just blew up.


I'm not sure if they changed the properties of Mirakuru from the comics or not, but Slade is a character in the comics that had some form of super-soldier serum, so think Captain America, except this one also enhanced his brain so he uses a much higher percentage of it. It makes him a supreme strategist on top of the super-strength, agility, etc. He's also not insane...but he is morally...grey. I mean, the name he goes by is Deathstroke: The Terminator.


I'm guessing the Japanese didn't destroy the Mirakuru 'cause they were probably still working on it, trying to make it work.


I think you're right about Oliver blaming himself for Shado's death in that Ivo pointed the gun at Sara and he tried to intervene. I don't think he was "choosing" Sara. I think he would've done the same if Ivo had pointed the gun at Shado first. It made him feel guilty when that death wasn't on him.