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OMG! Poor Michael!!! 


109 YHH.mp4


Marvelous JJ

Michael & Nikita, I forgot how much I missed these two.


YASS !!! Juli ships Mikita <3 I love that you love Michael, bc he just as rich as a character as Alex or Nikita. He is deeply DEEPLY loyal, which you can see now for the first time - he's in Division just out of loyalty for his deceased family. also: wanna point out that even if Michael had killed Kasim, the police would've killed him right then and there, so Nikita saved his life even though he can't see it that way right now.

Bria Bey

Yes this a rally good episode and really the first this season where you see Michael and Nikita's chemistry. Their relationship is really complicated because of his history and his job and her trying to takedown division.


I didn't think much of Michael at first... but after this episode, I opened up to him. and the chemistry between him and Nikita is so powerful!! Random question to you Juli: If Nikita and May (from AoS) were to fight, who do you think would win??

Elisa Ingo

Michael & Nikita..... I forgot how much I shipped them. They have such great chemistry!!!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I love Michael and Nikita! Michael's a great character and Shane West is brilliant in this show. So is Maggie Q of course. :)


This is one of my favorite episodes, I loooove this series and I loooove Mikita 💖💖💖