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Edited version coming up. I hope you enjoy this reaction as well :)


515 y.mp4



Goodbye Katherine!! the awkward moment you realise that even Klaus who was the biggest bad and ruined Katherine's life and her family's is earning his redemption when Katherine couldn't. She had ample chances to change and threw them all away.


What happened to Katherine was that she was dragged to Hell. This is the end of her character. There's a lot more to look forward this season.


Can someone please explain how injecting the 'ripper virus" into Elena keeps Stefan alone?

Bria Bey

Yes I loved when Caroline spoke her peace to Tyler. 🤗


It makes no sense. she should've injected Stefan then lmao... she's crazy!!

Kamilla Mari

Katherine is gone. She was dragged to hell lol. It’s not a spoiler, it’s just the conclusion most people made after watching this episode.

Chantelle Miles

Yep Juli if shes not going to heaven, shes going to hell, the other side was too good for Katherine after everything shes done and no redemption.

Tyrique Jones

How about we take a moment to applaud Nina AGAIN for her amazing acting. Ok cool back to boring Elena. No just kidding I love her

Tyrique Jones

Has Katherine not been paying attention. ELENA DOESN'T LIKE STEFAN!!!

Tyrique Jones

For some weird reason I think this was Katherines storyline all along. Because they never did the big bad villain thing. Season 2, she came in and ran and TO came in making Klaus the big bad. She was barely in season 3 and season 4 when she came back Silas was the big bad villain so they never really did that with Katherine. So this season was giving katherine her last shot of being the big bad. They failed but hey, at least they tried I guess.

Shaun Kemmer

She did it because she hates that elena "gets everything" while katherine gets nothing. She does it as a final F-You and I suppose it prevents elena and stefan getting together because now she wants to feed and kill vampires and die (since it has werewolf venom in it now). The 'if I can't have him no one can' might the wrong words to say but rather Elena can't have him.

Shaun Kemmer

I'll post it on this post too. This article came out right after the episode aired is therefore not a spoiler: Suddenly, the wind started blowing, and Katherine was sucked into oblivion. "It's unlike anything we've seen before," executive producer Caroline Dries tells TVGuide.com. "We've seen characters appear to Bonnie [Kat Graham], the anchor, and go through Bonnie and that's their initiation into the other side. When Katherine died, that didn't happen and [instead] she's ripped out of Bonnie's arms and sucked into wherever by some dark void. We don't say anything religious like Heaven or Hell, but that's the implication — she's going to a dark world." As the series has shown countless times, a character can die and come back to life, but Dries says this isn't their way of keeping Katherine around and they don't intend on delving into this darker world. This show is known for bringing people back to the dead, so death didn't ever feel final; they could hop over from the other side if we feel desperate. So we wanted to say, 'No, she's gone.'" Katherine has been so instrumental to all the story lines this season and at some point it has to end — but it has to matter. So that's what we did and then we threw a twist in there to shock people a little bit."