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Another amazing episode !! 


114 8.m4v



Hope you are all better soon. The stomach flu is just the worst.

Bria Bey

This was a great episode for me. First, I really sympathize with the witches and rooted for them getting their revenge on Rebekah because she used and abused them and the killed them because of her decision. She is kind of always portrayed as the nice and caring Original but she has definitely had her ruthless ways just like Klaus. I mean to lock them in a room to die and compel the doctors not to help caused me to get a little teary eyed. At the ending I was in tears because yet again Klaus was betrayed by another sibling after learning the ultimate betrayal of his sister. Also, Juli I believe Klaus is more upset than just because she betrayed him. Rebekah brought Klaus abuser back into his life, the man he has been afraid of his entire life. The man who stripped him of his dignity, trust, and feeling of being safe and cared for. It goes really deep for him considering he has always felt like the black sheep of the family. When I first watched the ending I was really upset Elijah stabbed Klaus with the blade but I came to understand Elijah was in a bad position where he didn't want to choose between his siblings. Lastly, you sure are right witches can hold a mean grudge. That is one thing you will learn from this show.


Amazing episode, I felt so bad for Klaus and Rebekah. I understand the witches revenge and they have every right to them but you're watching a show about the Originals so no matter what you feel inclined to root for them even if they are the "bad guys"


Amazing episode, I felt so bad for Klaus and Rebekah. I understand the witches revenge and they have every right to them but you're watching a show about the Originals so no matter what you feel inclined to root for them even if they are the "bad guys" I understand what Rebekah did. Because as much Mikael ruined Klaus and was an abusive tyrant, that's how Klaus himself has behaved with Elijah, Rebekah and Kol... in 1000 years he has not learned, yes he was abused, yes he's damaged but in a 1000 years he still hasn't tried to evolve and grow from it and he acts like Mikael in the way he abuses his own family. He should allow Rebekah to live her life and make her choices. I understand Klaus but I also understand Rebekah!!