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Ik I'm late but here it is. Enjoy!


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Another great reaction. Just so you know, I really don't care about the ads, I understand why you watch on Youtube. I'm just glad you watch. Now as for the characters, I agree with you. I always like the sarcastic and sort of dry-humored characters, so I latched on to Rikki. Then Cleo, then Emma. I love Claire and I love Rebekah, but if I'm being 100% honest, I was never the biggest fan of Emma. As good as her intentions may be, her judgemental attitude and the way she tends to look down on Rikki and boss Cleo around always rubbed me the wrong way. I guess all three have their bad and their good moments, but I just always saw myself more in Rikki than in the other two, so it kind of sucked whenever Emma was hard on her. That being said, I do think it's good that Emma isn't the type to never see reason, and, just like in episode 9, she's not afraid to apologize when it's pointed out how she may have been wrong. I really liked this duo of episodes. Rikki is a little more mysterious and I like any episode where we can see more of her. We haven't seen her home life, (well you haven't) but I think we can tell that she's not as well off as Emma and didn't grow up like Cleo either. I understood her jumping at an opportunity to make money for herself. And the second one, I'll admit it was the first episode that I didn't really remember. It came back to me as I watched it, but I actually had no idea how it would go. I'm glad we got to develop Zane as a character. It explained why he is the way he is, and the writers actually made it possible for us to feel bad for a character that had previously been kind of one dimensional. I think it was good of Rikki to stand up for him despite them not having the friendliest past, it adds to her character as well. Sorry I wrote so much, as I watch you react to these episodes, I'm remembering how much I loved them. Afterall, I think I was about 8 when the show first aired, now I'm 20. Even though it was a kids show (and by the way, I don't mind if you curse when you watch this), I think it had a great story and they put a lot of work into the lore. Their characters are well developed, each with flaws that make them well rounded. The older lady Cleo talked to does come back and we learn more about her, but I will say her full story doesn't come out until season 2. That's another thing, you can really see how they put in plot seeds that don't fully grow until later, but I think the payoff is really great.


Holy shit I didn't realize I wrote a literal essay until I hit enter


i agree with everything you said! I really disliked Emma a lot. She always looked down on others and treated my baby girl Rikki terrible at times, therefore i always had a hard time liking her even more. She treats Cleo like a baby and acts very cocky and it always bothered me, even when i was a kid. I'm turning 20 and this show was my childhood. I still rewatch it all the time and it hasn't aged since watching it as a kid. I still enjoy it.

Tyrique Jones

I loved Emma, She was my favorite but I can't really rank them because I love them all equally. Rikki was the adventurous and funny one who we were all invested in and wanted to see her go far. Cleo was the sweet innocent summer child who we have to protect at all costs. Emma was the one who would always captivate me in every scene and I'm just always interested in her. Louis really was kind of douchey back then but he always means well, and I know everyone always attacks Rikki but I could always tell they loved her.

Tyrique Jones

Zane is a very interesting character and I can't wait for you to see more of him. And trust me even if you like this season you are going to LOVE season 2 because for now it's just their struggle with adapting to this new lifestyle so we'll (you'll) see what they have in store.

Tyrique Jones

The hilarious siren episode is coming up next week!!!

Jason Short

My favorite are Cleo Rikki Emma


omg i completely forgot about rikki saving zane and for that moment at the end, wow. That made me smile for reasons i can't say lol. And trust me, it won't be the last time you feel bad for Zane...I never realized how mean everyone is to Rikki sometimes. You really pointed that out to me. My favorites go Rikki, Cleo, Zane, Lewis and then Emma. I don't hate Emma, but I don't like her sometimes.


Its on Netflix, so it would be less stressful to watch on there.