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I really hope something good comes out of this awful side of Damon.


513 33.mp4



Hey Juli, this was interesting I guess, not gonna say I like it because I hate this episode... Plus I don’t have much to say.. I think I said enough for an entire season in those long rants on Damon and Katherine and this SL... looking forward to the next few episodes. But look you can compare Stefan and Damon it’s YOUR right! But I don’t see how you can when they are so different and motivated by different things.

Carine Allen

Great reaction, I agree with everything you said about Damon, that was exactly what I felt when I watched this episode, I hated this episode because I was also worried about the development of Damon's character. and I just wanted to point out that although I did not like this episode at all, I loved the scene where Stefan speaks the truth to Elena (aka Katherine) "so the truth is, after a while I just stopped waiting for him to fail, because I like the person he had become and I don't wanna lose that person" I think it shows that Stefan loves Damon more than anything and that he would not give up on Damon not even to have Elena back, I loved this.

Zakiya Davis

Even though I’m not a fan of this episode, I loved your reaction. You were like a disappointed mother this whole episode and I agree with everything you said about Damon.

Bria Bey

Rewatching this episode reminds me how much my feelings changed toward Katheirne because I use to like her but now she is messing with Stefan's head and she screwed my Delena heart by breaking up with him. She was really pissing me off and Nadia as well because she was standing by allowing her mother to do these things. Damon is my favorite character and I really hated this turn for his character, I miss the fun loving,witty, sarcastic Damon. I just want him to be happy.


That is so true. That’s why I find it easier to compare Damon to Klaus or Stefan to Elijah because those characters are mirror versions of each other you can tell Julie Plec and co. Molded them similar to each other. They are both rash, reckless and impulsive and both come terrible upbringings whereas Stefan and Elijah are the calm rational brothers always trying to save the “bad” brother and hiding their darkness within this controlled and diplomatic “good brother” personas. Not that they aren’t good brothers because they are but they both have some much contained and bottled up darkness whereas Klaus and Damon are just more free and open with them.


Oh I forgot to mention the new love triangle of TVD which is between Stefan and Enzo over Damon 😂😂😂 that’s gonna be fun. I love how much Stefan and Enzo hate each other.