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SKYE IS AN ALIEN????????????? (No spoilers tho lol)





YES FINALLYYY!!! I'm so excited to watch this :D EDIT: I just watched the video and can I just say, this might have been my all time favorite reaction of yours...EVER!! (and I watch all your reactions for every show) I was laughing so hard at your jokes XD


Finally, I knew you would love Bobbi and had a hard time waiting for you to react to this episode.

Calculatus Eliminatus

This show is the best at setting something up and then paying it off fast while at the same time keeping just a couple thing simmering in the background..

Tom Sinclair

YES! I've been waiting for you to meet Bobbi!


Bobbi's character, in the comics, is called "Mockingbird."


Ha! It's funny how quickly you came around to the FitzSimmons ship. At first, you were like, "I like Fitz, but don't ship them. He's good as a friend." Now you're like, "THEY BELONG TOGETHER!" ...as you SHOULD feel. xD

Tom Sinclair

Jemma definitely has a girl-crush on Bobbi. Why not? Also, Skye's dad is another one of those complicated characters that this show likes to give us. There are layers and layers. Also whatever 'thing' there might be between Fitz and Simmons is complicated. They're both very different from who they were in the first season. (Still adorable and huggable, though.) Remember that Jemma didn't find out that Fitz loved her until seconds before they had to escape from that pod. (She was clueless, remember?) After that, Fitz was damaged so she hasn't had any time to work things out with him, especially since she went away on assignment. So just give them time to figure things out. As for Skye and the writing - I thought that it was her ability to see patterns in things that others can't that made her recognize it as a map.

Tom Sinclair

But now that I think about it - Skye was staring at copies of that writing for WEEKS without figuring it out. But when she got her hands on the real thing(carved by Coulson), she worked it out immediately. Okay, so there's some kind of connection.

Tom Sinclair

I feel I should point out that Bobbi isn't perfect. Like all of the characters on this show, she has...layers. Think of when you met each character for the first time. Did you ever think they would be what they are now? With that in mind, we've just met Bobbi, only shortly after we met Hunter and Mack. So, remember...layers.

Tom Sinclair

(On another re-watch) Chloe Bennet has said in interviews that she thinks Skye is bi-sexual. Just throwing that out there.