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So Enzo is alive? What a twist! If you want to be part of my reaction for 510 download Stardust app and follow me:

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Enzo is finally here!! love this episode, and finally another interesting male character cuz aside from Damon and Stefan. All the other guys like Matt, Tyler and Jeremy (sorry Jer) are super boring! LOL I loved Alaric but he's gone sadly. Enzo is a great interesting character and there's so much fun stuff coming up with these two. Keep up the good work. Love your reactions.


Loved your rant on Caroline lol it was on point.

Summer-Skye Mills

do you think youll do a tvd week like youre doing with arrow?:)


it's hilarious because the frustration you feel for Caroline is the same frustration i have towards you sometimes. Elena could have snapped Jesse's neck. and btw, we dont all love damon. I only tolerate him.


How? Jessie was stronger than Damon. Elena would have been too weak and too slow and Damon would have died.


I'd love for Juli to do that, this way she gets 5x11-5x15 out of the way and get to the fun parts of season 5 lol

Zakiya Davis

Jessie was stronger than both of them and I don’t think anyone acts in the most thought out way when they think their love one might die. Just like how Caroline could saved those witches, Elena could’ve saved Jesse but it all happened so fast.


The thing is that I will have to do 3 episodes of TVD and 2 for the originals since I'm watching the episodes in the correct order. And that will only be one more episode of what I'm currently doing since I'm posting 2 for TVD and 2 for TO every week. What I can try to do is post 3 times a week 2 episodes for every show, that would bebetter right? I will try for sure and I'll let you guys know :)


The majority happen to love Damon Juli....Anti Damon are just vocally louder....Upset with little to no meaning of character development and are genrally upset because Elena chose Damon.


He was not paying any attention to elena. She could have went up behind him and snapped Jesse's neck. She didnt even try. Caroline didnt have that choice. There was no other way to stop the witches other than kill them


I really don't understand some of you...Juli has rights to her opinion....There really is no need for you to be negative over someone's opinion concerning fictional characters....And this ordeal concerning Elena and Jessie...Elena is still a newbie...Jessie was much stronger than her and Damon included....She couldn't have easily snapped his neck because Jessie had his teeth sank in Damon's neck...Had she snapped Jessie's neck while doing so...Damon would have most likely died....I love the fact that she killed Jessie because it clearly shows how much she loves Damon and for once put HIS life as her first priority....Caroline being upset was nonsensical....Damon is Elena's boyfriend, someone she's discussed spending her life with etc....Jessie is someone both have only known for 1-2 weeks to be exact....No way in hell would Caroline choose someone she's known for two weeks vs someone she loves...So her being upset with Elena for choosing to save Damon ie someone Elena loves was/is nonsensical and just another way for writers to force Caroline's mixed opinions upon viewers..


Im not even Anti Damon. I just dont get the hype. Idc about delena or stelena. Tbh i hate elena and matt the most. Im judt stating that not everyone is all in love with Damon like Juli. There are only five people i truly stan on this show:Katherine, Caroline, Bonnie, Rebekah, and Lexi. In that order.


Im not being negative. I stated i felt the same frustration. Its not that deep. Damon would not have died. The worst that could have happened would be that Damon's neck wouldve been snapped too. Lets be real here. Even if Jesse had drained Damon's blood, he would have desecrated, not died.

Carine Allen

Enzo is finally here! he's my favorite after Stefan, sorry Damon, I still love you too, but Enzo got me hahahaha


Majority happen to love Damon as Anti-hero charismatic sarcastic guy who also is very hot.And Damon popularity has nothing to do with delena,you can pair him with any other character in this show to make this new pair most popular...

Shaun Kemmer

So "The Augustine Society" is the ones who experiment on vampires etc. "Augustine vampire"s are vampire that they have. So Damon was a prisoner and was experimented on, so he was an Augustine Vampire. Enzo as well. Enzo still is one since we find out that he's still alive. In Season 5 Episode 6, when Caroline compells Wes and asks him questions he says that Megan (Elena's now-dead roommate) was killed by the Augustine Vampire (probably referring to Enzo.)


that literally has nothing to do with what i said


I love Enzo. I didnt like him in season 5. He was ok in season 6 but he really made me love him in seasons 7 and 8.