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We must protect Josh!!!! 




Bria Bey

Yay. Now I have something to watch when if get off later today.


The next episode is so good!

Carine Allen

I love the next episode! first time I real cried with Klaus in TO


I'm surprised you still haven't noticed the pride flag in the background of the opening scene.


That’s what I’ve never liked on this show. Everyone says Davina is the most powerful witch but we all know that it’s Bonnie. At one point she had the power to kill Klaus by channeling 100 dead witches. But what I think they mean is that because Bonnie is dead Davina is now the most powerful witch?


Let me just start by saying that I never liked Tyler. I always found him annoying and just pointless. I don’t think Klaus killed Carol for no reason. He had reasons. They were evil and vindictive reasons but they were reasons. Tyler betrayed him and therefore Klaus responded the way he always does. He killed someone he loved in order to show him who was in control. Also in his sick mentality, tyler turned his new “family” against him and so he stole the only family Tyler had left. I’m not defending him because it was just awful but it was perfectly in character. That scene where he calls himself a bastard is so sad to me because its the first time he actually says that about himself. He is always calling himself the hybrid, the alpha male, etc. But this time he showed how insecure he really is. And then he was like “ok, I’ll play the villain since that is what I’m good at and what everyone expects me to be.” The scene with Rebekah is sad too because in his desperation to keep Rebekah with him no matter what he continues to push her away and to the arms of Marcel. Poor Rebekah though, having to choose between her brother and Marcel because in spite of how angry she is at Klaus and how much she wants to be free of him she does love him and her family. Also, I might be the only one but I I don’t like Elijah. I really can’t stand how high and mighty he can be and I’m not talking about just this episode but in past and future episodes to come. I think Davina is more powerful than Bonnie right now because by all intends and purposes Bonnie is dead?

Bria Bey

By the end of this episode I was really irritated with Tyler, Elijah, Haley, & Rebekah. Tyler was such an annoyance because he could never defeat Klaus even though I understood why he wanted too. I was like move on already but I'm biased because I prefer Klaus to Tyler as a character. I was totally with Klaus on this one because I understood where he was coming from. I also understand why the other doubt his sincerity but I just felt really bad for Klaus because whenever it comes to the really important things in their lives he doesn't seem to have the support of his family the way he gives it to them ( I admit it is demonstrated in controlling and manipulative behavior). Klaus is just missing that one person in his life who will understand and give him unconditional love. Elijah and Rebekah just leap to the worst conclusions and actions when they are swayed by other people they care about. I think this was the beginning where Klaus really had my heart as my favorite because I could just feel how his family's betrayal gave him such a sad outlook on how he sees the world and himself. It's so sad that he is such a a paranoid narcissistic but he really does have the right because Rebekah and Marcel are trying to get rid of him in this episode and Elijah is willing to follow Hayley's wishes about the child with I'll informed information.


Right? I was so annoyed with Elijah, Hayley and Rebekah too. They always complain that Klaus is selfish and is just out for himself but when he tries to do something "good" they automatically think he has ulterior motives. Like it's so hard for them to believe that Klaus could actually love his baby? Yeah, he rejected the baby at first but because he was scared. His own father destroyed him and then he is told that he will be one too? Of course he wanted nothing to do with it in the beginning. What he says its so true. someone points a finger at him and they just believe it to be true. They didn't ask him "hey, Tyler said this about you. Is it true?" No, Elijah accused him right off the bat. I understand why Rebekah wants to betray him. Klaus has given her hell for a long time and now she has the chance to fight back. But, you can't blame Klaus for being paranoid when he is constantly attacked and threatened with abandonment.

golam rabbi

The next episode klaus just made me forget about everything he had done bad . His acting was so good next episode

Chantelle Miles

LOVE KLAUS....cant wait for next ep. and klaus does care for his child, that really hurt him how when he does the right thing they assume the worst.