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Direct Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S_b_uF2Mkey7JDdbq256SsOATocRcLzB/view?usp=sharing

Hey guys! Here's the episode that made me scream, cry and laugh at the same time!

I hope you guys enjoy! Also I want to let you guys know that my computer is currently not working and I have send it to get it fix and I hope I don't lose my most important files. Which I am afraid I will.

It might be time to buy a new computer since this one it's giving me too much trouble lately.

Enjoy !





I can't watch it please drop new link :(

Rose Smith

I can’t watch this episode link expired



kyra bah

DW you'll learn more about everything next episode and i'm with you there #delena


a vampire getting sired to another vampire is different to how Klaus's hybrids are sired to him. Klaus's hybrids were sired bc they feel like they need to be loyal to the person that ended their werewolf curse which is turning every full moon. The reason why and how elena got sired to damon is completely different and will be explained later, so don't worry delena wont be ruined for you. just try to enjoy it as much as you can.


i don't like how everyone (except damon) thinks elena has lost herself since she became a vampire. the characters act like human elena and vampire elena are two different people. Elena as a vampire still loves her friends and family, she's still compassionate and loyal and selfless. The only difference now is that as a new vampire her emotions are all over the place and on occasion she has the urge to kill, other than that there isnt alot of difference. All her character traits from when she was a human are still intact. What's great about elena being a vampire is that she can have a more open mind now. In the past she didnt always understand damon's recklessness snd impulsiveness and i think now she truly gets it bc she's been experiencing those same dark emotions too, its not bc of the sire bond, its bc she is able to relate to damon and connect with him on a deeper level than before. What I hate so much is that caroline, bonnie and stefan aren't allowing elena to grow and they're not accepting elena as a vampire which is so unfair when elena has accepted all of them for being supernatural, now she needs the same support she gave to them and they're not giving it to her.


Caroline truly infuriates me through these episodes, but she did say one thing in this one that I think is pretty key to remember: "Being a vampire only amplifies who you already are, it doesn't make you a completely different person." No matter what is going on with the sire bond story and everything else, keep that in mind. Elena's emotions did NOT just completely change overnight with her transition, they just got heightened. And seriously - the next episode explains some things with the sire bond. It is pretty complicated, but not necessarily all in a bad way. I do think you should feel free to go back and watch the good stuff there at the end without feeling icky about it!


The best reaction so far. Loved it. :D That last scene is the 'Yes, yes. yes noooooooooo' moment of the show. I am going to ignore the sire bond issue because the Delena scene was sexy as hell. Her making him happy makes her happy which would have made it doubly good for her. My one piece of advice is to listen very carefully to the information that is revealed in relation to the sire bond. Some fans have a tendency of glossing over certain facts in relation to the sire bond. The main thing to remember is when a person becomes a vampire everything is magnified, especially their feelings. So why did it only affect her feelings for Damon and not for Stefan? Her break up with Stefan can't be put down to the sire bond either because his feelings about Elena being a vampire have been shaped by his experience with Katherine. Caroline is frustrating in this episode. Her loyalty should be towards Elena, but for some reason it's towards Stefan. The only people Elena has left to support and help her are Damon and Matt.


This is how I’ve always understood it to be: Stefan and Caroline have a lot in common. They like to plan things out, be in control of situations and they’re a little self-righteous (not knocking them, love them both still). They’re used to the selfless Elena that put everyone else before herself, denied any of her feelings – like her interest in Damon – out of fear of letting everyone down and hid any of her darker feelings. They think that version of Elena is the real version of Elena, the human her. What they’re failing to recognize is that when you become a vampire all the traits that made you who you were before simply amplify. Therefore, Elena really isn’t all that different, one could say she’s just more open to letting people see her for who she really is. That’s why the Stefan and Damon paradox is so interesting. Caroline and Stefan think that she was better off with Stefan because they see Damon is a threat to corrupting her and they blame him for her impulsiveness. I’d argue that old Elena chose Stefan because she suffered a lot of trauma and opted to find someone safe, who wouldn’t leave her and who could make her feel comfortable. However, that isn’t to say she didn’t feel deeply for Damon. I believe she was drawn to his free spirit, his impulsiveness and danger, but didn’t choose him because she was cautious and feared the uncertainty that he somewhat represented. This all changed when she turned into a vampire though, because she had regained the strength that had been stripped from her and with that Damon wasn’t such a scary thought anymore. She could relate to him, his darkness and his desires, and could now appreciate the control he has. She could see more clearly than ever the good in Damon, when others simply saw the flaws. Also, with him, she doesn’t have to hide anything out of fear of being judged, which is why only now Caroline and Stefan are seeing parts of Elena that remind them of Damon. He empowers her to be herself because his love is unconditional. I’ll end my novel there, lmao! Keep up the reactions! So excited to watch more.


wow this is so incredible, I love when other people write exactly what I think about these characters


Hi Juli!! WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN?! First off, did I tell you or DID I TELL YOU! THIS EPISODE WILL FOREVER BE ICONIC AND IS ONE OF MY TWO FAVORITE OF THE ENTIRE SERIES! I couldn't stop smiling at you having to pause the episode so many times to calm down. Trust me, we were all doing the same thing the first time it came out. So much Delena and Klaroline epic moments and TRUST ME when I say DO NOT FEEL ICKY ABOUT THE END OF 4X07. Without spoiling anything, PLEASE listen closely in the next upcoming episodes about the sire bond because it's not what you think in terms of Elena and Damon's feelings for one another. I was right there with you when I watched this episode live the day it came out and was furious because I thought the writers were blaming the sire bond on Elena's feelings for Damon, (which we all know IS NOT TRUE) and in a way semi-ruined the epic moment between them at the end, but you will find out what it TRULY means in terms of the sire bond. Plus, Elena even admitted she had feelings for Damon when she was a human so the sire bond didn't make her love him overnight or anything. Now many characters in the next episodes will be against Delena blaming it on the sire bond, BUT STAY STRONG MY DEAR. Our ship will not go down so easy. And enjoy the Delena moments moving forward. You were right when you said this episode made our ships, Delena and Klaroline rise/ "take off." So please go back and watch the ending Delena scene and enjoy it! Take it all in and stay strong knowing they love each other! IT IS REAL MY DEAR! Also, Caroline in this episode and Stefan frustrated me immensely and I agree with your comments that Caroline needs to be supporting Elena right now, even if she has her reasons for hating Damon. But as we move forward, things will change which you'll see. Also, 4x08 and 4x09 are also in my top ten favorite episodes of the series so I can't wait for you to enjoy them! I personally think 4x09 is the best midseason finale The Vampire Diaries ever had. Also excited for your reaction to 4x23! 4x23 and 4x07 are my top two favorite episodes of the series! Great reaction! Upload soon!


Juli be happy about delena. REMEMBER: the sire bond affects how you act not how you feel. When tyler was sired to klaus he hated him still.

Maia Momo

Elena’ a bitch!!

Chantelle Miles

Juli great reaction i hate how they tried to spoil it too but i never once believed them having sex was because of the sire bond, they just want us to doubt Delena being the one & real. The sire bond changes nothing, it doesn't affect your feelings or love.....You should watch that scene again on youtube but the edited one without stefan or caroline ruining that beautiful moment...cant wait for next episode and ep 10 even 9 really lol

John Stark

I will only add one comment to the above. Remember when ghost Rose told Jeremy that Damon's love consumes Elena. Imagine that being amplified by her becoming a vampire.


I was rocking back and forth along with your reactions to Delena scene's. It gives me so much life!!!


Klaus' puppy dog face actually kills me, it's the cutest most devilish thing I've ever seen


You just know that if Klaus and Caroline ever got married, Caroline would wear the trousers in that relationship. Klaus might be the biggest, baddest most evil vampire in the world, but with Caroline he'd be so under the thumb.


LOOOOL when she said "shut up and get out" to professor shane xD I was rollin


I will totally do this tbh. Bc that kinda ruined that beautiful scene for me


I keep repeating 29:50 I feel like it's the only time Juli will ever agree with her so I'll Cherish it lol