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Hey guys! I apologize for not posting today, my idea was to bring you at least 1 reaction video for #TVD and work on a plan for #TW sadly, Josh got sick again, he had an asthma attack and I was with him since early morning until around 6pm my time when I finally got back home.

Even tho I was tired I watched episode 318 of TVD and did my weekly reaction for Supergirl 302, but rn it's midnight already and I have no energy to edit.

If Josh has a good night I will edit as soon as I can and I will try to watch and post 319 for you guys as well.

I hope you guys understand, it's really hard for me to not able to post as much as I was posting but please remember how greatful I am for all your support and will try my best to post more tomorrow and during the week.

Thank you all! I love you guys!!



Never apologize for putting your son first. Do the reaction videos whenever you have the energy and your son is alright. (Speaking of which, I hope he is alright)


Take all the time you need. Josh should always come first. Don't apologize for that.


You have all our understanding and support. I hope you're son is okay!


Josh is and should be your priority. No need for apologies. Hoping he's okay.


I am glad that you are warning us, sometimes I am strarting to worry about you and your son, when you've been off for a long time.

Emma Wigton

You don't need to apologize. Your son and his health comes first always<3 I hope he is ok, and gets better son. <3


Don't worry about us so much. We appreciate all of the work you put in, but we can wait. Please take care of yourself and your son.

John Stark

Your son must always come first! Has he improved?


I understand your son comes first and life happens. This isn't personal and I wish him the best but I'm going to have to cancel. I love your videos but when you accept payment for something that is based monthly it gives your customer a time limit to receive what they are paying for. I am just not getting what I was told I would when you asked for the donation. Good luck


Never apologize for putting family first!


Don't worry about it! Take your time and I hope Josh is feeling better soon <3